Welcome to the short volume of Today’s Man Podcast called, Strength for Today’s Man. This is just where I share a brief encouraging word to men from the comfort of my backyard or in my home. Thanks for viewing and joining me. Be blessed.
Hiding does not fix the problem. It only prolongs it. Sooner or later God is going to call you and ask “Why are you hiding?” And you are going to have to come out of the bushes and give an account for your actions. If there are some in resolved issues that you are refusing to address, it some unresolved disputes you know needs your attention. It’s vital that you come out of the bushes and face it head on. That’s the way healing will begin in your life. Stop hiding!
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#todaysman #strengthfortodaysman #todaysmanpodcast
Music: Cherry Blossom Musician: EnjoyMusic Site: https://enjoymusic.ai