cover of episode Want to give a great presentation? Use ugly sketches | Martin J. Eppler

Want to give a great presentation? Use ugly sketches | Martin J. Eppler

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TED Talks Daily

Martin J. Epler
Martin J. Epler: 长达30年的研究表明,绘画、使用可视化软件、素描和涂鸦等可视化方法可以提升创造力、改进协作和沟通、更好地处理冲突,并提高决策质量。许多人没有充分利用可视化的潜力,仍然依赖于传统的演示方式,例如包含项目符号点的幻灯片。更好的方法是邀请他人一起进行可视化创作,例如使用故事讲述、Prezi、素描、思维导图和白板等方法,可以促进协作。 在一次重要的演示中,演讲者发现使用视觉隐喻(例如“建立在沙滩上的堡垒”)进行演示,可以比使用大量数据幻灯片更有效地传达信息,并促进更有效的协作。为了促进协作,可视化内容应该显得“丑陋”和临时,而不是过于精美,这样才能鼓励修改和改进。这种方法被称为“铅笔销售法”,在银行、电信公司和保险公司中被广泛使用。 演讲者建议使用视觉隐喻,因为它可以比图表或地图更有效地传达信息,提高记忆力和参与度,但需要注意选择合适的隐喻。使用视觉变式(即重复使用但略微不同的隐喻或图表)可以激发人们的想象力,并促进更深入的理解和协作。为了将可视化更好地融入日常工作,建议从简单的图像开始,并邀请他人共同构建和完善,例如,使用一系列图像来展现职业生涯的非线性发展路径。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why should visual presentations be intentionally made ugly?

Ugly sketches signal provisionality, inviting collaboration and preventing the 'museum effect' where people think the work is perfect and doesn't need improvement. This boosts creativity and decision-making.

How can visual metaphors improve presentations?

Visual metaphors make information more concrete, memorable, and easier to understand by tapping into what people already know. They also spark new ideas and motivate implementation, as shown in studies with BMW Financial Services.

What is the benefit of using a series of visual images rather than a single one?

A series of visual images, or visual variation, encourages others to extend and build upon the metaphor, enhancing collaboration and understanding. This aligns with variation theory, which states that understanding improves when concepts are viewed in multiple ways.

How does sketching or doodling improve collaboration?

Sketching and doodling create a sense of provisionality, signaling that the work is ongoing and open to improvement. This invites others to collaborate, as opposed to polished visuals that may discourage further input.

What are the three practices for using visuals effectively in presentations?

The three practices are: 1) Making visuals ugly to signal provisionality and invite collaboration, 2) Leading with visual metaphors to make information more concrete and memorable, and 3) Using visual variation to encourage others to build upon and extend the metaphor.

Professor Martin J. Eppler challenges the conventional wisdom of using perfect slides in presentations. He argues that 'ugly' sketches and doodles promote collaboration and creativity by signaling work in progress and inviting feedback. This approach, even used by banks and insurance companies as 'pencil selling,' leads to better results than polished presentations.
  • Ugly sketches are better than perfect slides for collaboration.
  • Low perceived finishness invites collaboration.
  • Pencil selling is a technique that uses sketches to improve sales.

Shownotes Transcript

Looking to level up your presentations? It might only take a poorly-drawn sketch, says professor Martin J. Eppler. He offers three tips to use visualizations at work, laying out how these simple tricks can boost creativity and communication, improve decision-making and lead to better collaboration among colleagues. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.