cover of episode Can AI master the art of humor? | Bob Mankoff

Can AI master the art of humor? | Bob Mankoff

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TED Talks Daily

Bob Mankoff
Bob Mankoff: 人工智能能否拥有幽默感,这是一个值得探讨的问题。虽然目前AI还无法完全复制人类的幽默感,但我认为AI的创造力,特别是它能虚构内容的能力,并非完全是缺陷,反而可以成为一种特性。我的职业生涯就是靠虚构内容,而这正是漫画的本质。 我不希望被AI取代,但我乐于借助AI的力量。AI的快速发展让我不禁思考,是否能出现一个‘机器人曼科夫’? 对AI的恐惧并非新鲜事,但现在这种恐惧达到了顶峰。人们担心AI会对人类造成威胁,但我不关注AI的潜在毁灭性,我更关注AI的幽默潜力。我利用《纽约客》的漫画标题征集活动来研究AI的幽默概率。 过去,《纽约客》的漫画标题征集活动由我和我的助手负责筛选,但从2016年初开始,我们转向了众包模式。现在,数百万人的评判构成了一个‘趣味评分’,这在很大程度上提高了效率和准确性。 早期的AI技术无法胜任《纽约客》漫画标题征集活动的评选任务,但随着AI技术的进步,AI在理解和创作幽默方面虽然仍落后于人类,但差距正在缩小。 我参与的一篇论文研究了AI在三项任务中的表现:匹配获胜的标题和相应的图片,在两个标题中选择获胜的标题,以及解释幽默。结果显示,人类仍然领先,但AI正在缩小差距。这篇论文也为AI创作漫画幽默提供了一种途径。 我们利用人类标注的653场漫画比赛数据对AI进行了微调,包括对漫画的描述和幽默的解释。然后,我们用这些数据生成了50幅新的合成漫画,并让漫画家Shannon Wheeler根据这些漫画创作新的作品。 Shannon认为这些AI生成的漫画有些奇怪,它们并不完全像真正的漫画,存在‘恐怖谷’效应。但这很有趣,因为这些都是全新的漫画,它们代表了计算机创造力的一个方向。我认为AI可以作为漫画家进行头脑风暴的工具。 AI生成的漫画质量有待提高,需要人类参与和改进。AI可以生成大量的作品,但需要人类来筛选和改进。 但我不会认为AI拥有真正的人类幽默感。人类的幽默感源于脆弱性和对死亡的认知。如果我们让AI经历人类的痛苦,那将是残酷的。如果AI真的想要消灭人类,我希望它们先消灭Elon Musk。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is humor considered a uniquely human trait?

Humor is rooted in human vulnerability and the curse of mortality, as Mark Twain noted. It’s tied to our emotional experiences and shared cultural context, which AI lacks.

What role does the New Yorker caption contest play in AI research?

The contest serves as a benchmark for AI to understand and generate humor. It involves analyzing images and matching them with captions, testing AI's ability to grasp human creativity.

How has AI progressed in understanding humor?

AI has improved in tasks like matching captions to images and explaining humor, but it still lags behind humans. However, it shows potential as a brainstorming tool for cartoonists.

What was the outcome of AI attempts to create New Yorker-style cartoons?

AI generated new cartoons, but they fell into an 'uncanny valley' of humor, lacking the depth and cultural relevance of human-created cartoons. They were seen as useful for brainstorming but not as replacements.

Why does Bob Mankoff believe AI could be a useful tool for cartoonists?

AI can generate a large quantity of ideas quickly, which can be refined by human cartoonists. It acts as a brainstorming aid, offering a starting point for creativity rather than a replacement.

What is the 'Funniness Score' in the New Yorker caption contest?

The Funniness Score is a metric derived from over a million online judgments, helping to determine the best captions from thousands of entries. It’s a crowdsourced measure of humor.

What does Bob Mankoff think about the fear of AI replacing humans?

Mankoff dismisses the 'P-Doom' (probability of AI doom) as 'P-Dumb.' He believes AI’s role should be focused on enhancing human creativity rather than replacing it.

How did the New Yorker caption contest evolve in terms of caption selection?

Initially, captions were selected by Mankoff and his assistants, but in 2016, the process shifted to crowdsourcing, allowing readers to vote and determine the Funniness Score for captions.

What was the result of AI's early attempts to decode New Yorker cartoons?

In 2016, AI struggled to decode the images and understand the humor, showing it was not yet capable of matching human creativity in this domain.

What does Bob Mankoff mean when he says AI hallucinates?

Mankoff views AI’s tendency to 'hallucinate' or make up information as a feature, not a bug, as it mirrors the creative process of making up stories or cartoons.

Bob Mankoff, former New Yorker cartoon editor, explores the intersection of AI and humor. He questions whether AI can replicate human creativity in comedy, and whether this capability is even desirable. He introduces the concept of 'P-Funny,' the probability that AI can generate humor.
  • AI's capability to generate humor is questioned
  • The concept of 'P-Funny' is introduced as the probability of AI generating humor
  • Fears of AI replacing humans are discussed in the context of humor

Shownotes Transcript

Can artificial intelligence be funny, or is comedy a uniquely human trait? In this witty and insightful talk, cartoonist Bob Mankoff explores the art of humor, the evolution of AI and what happens when the two collide. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.