cover of episode 4 steps to unlock your kid’s math potential | Shalinee Sharma

4 steps to unlock your kid’s math potential | Shalinee Sharma

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Shalinee Sharma
Shalinee Sharma:数学能力并非天赋异禀,而是可以通过后天学习和培养获得的。她认为,许多孩子在数学学习中遇到的问题并非源于自身能力不足,而是由于错误的教学方法和思维定势造成的。她提出了四个步骤来帮助孩子建立强大的数学思维:首先,要相信孩子有能力学习数学,老师和家长的积极鼓励至关重要;其次,要注重理解数学概念,而不是死记硬背,可以使用图像或实际例子来辅助理解;第三,要将数学学习与游戏结合起来,提高学习兴趣和积极性,例如,在日常生活中融入数学元素,或者利用一些数学游戏来进行练习;最后,要鼓励孩子重新审视数学,尝试从新的角度去理解和学习数学,并从中发现数学的乐趣和价值。她认为,通过这四个步骤,可以帮助孩子克服数学焦虑,建立自信,最终爱上数学。 Shalinee Sharma: 她结合自身经历和多年来在数学教育领域的观察,阐述了当前数学教育中存在的问题,以及如何改变这种现状。她指出,许多孩子因为在数学学习中遭遇挫折而对数学产生恐惧和抵触情绪,这很大程度上是因为我们错误地将数学能力与天赋联系在一起,忽视了后天学习和培养的重要性。她强调,数学学习的关键在于方法,而不是天赋。通过改变教学方法,让孩子理解数学概念,并通过游戏等方式激发学习兴趣,可以有效地提高孩子的数学学习能力和自信心。她还分享了她在教育实践中的一些成功案例,以及如何将这些方法应用于家庭教育中。她鼓励家长和老师们改变对数学学习的传统观念,相信每个孩子都有潜力成为数学高手。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is it important to believe in a child's potential in math?

Believing in a child's potential creates a chain reaction: they ask for help, do extra work, and eventually succeed. Even math-inclined kids struggle, but belief motivates them to catch up.

What is the problem with memorizing math instead of understanding it?

Memorizing math feels like not knowing how to read; it's temporary and leads to confusion. Understanding math makes it durable and intuitive, like reading any book confidently.

How can understanding math through visuals help?

Visuals like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches make ratios and proportional reasoning relatable and less intimidating. Math should make sense in everyday contexts.

Why do most American fourth graders get math problems wrong?

They often memorize math instead of understanding it, leading to mistakes like picking 'two halves' as the closest to one-half, the most incorrect answer possible.

How can making math fun improve learning?

Fun activities like games, card games, and real-world applications make math engaging. Just as kids love fantasy novels, they can enjoy math through playful practice.

What role do parents play in fostering a love for math?

Parents should give math a second chance and show enthusiasm. Kids are more likely to enjoy math if their parents do, creating a positive environment for learning.

What are the four steps to building a math mind?

1. Believe in the child's potential. 2. Understand math through visuals and context. 3. Make math fun with games and real-world applications. 4. Give math a second chance to foster true love for it.

Shalinee Sharma challenges the notion that math ability is innate, arguing that with the right approach, every child can excel in mathematics. She emphasizes the importance of belief in a child's potential and the impact this has on their willingness to put in the effort to succeed.
  • Math ability is not innate; it's developed through the right approach.
  • Belief in a child's potential is crucial for their success in math.
  • Children, even those who identify as 'math kids,' face setbacks and require support.

Shownotes Transcript

Math isn't just for "math kids" — it's for everyone, says learning expert Shalinee Sharma. She outlines four simple steps to transform your approach to math, creating an environment where any kid can develop a strong mathematical mind. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.