cover of episode Dr. Martha Beck (Oprah's Life Coach): I Nearly Died so I Stopped Lying. Surprising Way to Overcome Childhood Trauma, Stop Anxiety, Increase Intuition, and Finally Heal!

Dr. Martha Beck (Oprah's Life Coach): I Nearly Died so I Stopped Lying. Surprising Way to Overcome Childhood Trauma, Stop Anxiety, Increase Intuition, and Finally Heal!

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Mayim Bialik's Breakdown

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Martha Beck
@Martha Beck : 我毕生致力于帮助人们摆脱痛苦,追求快乐。我的经历告诉我,诚实是克服焦虑和疗愈创伤的关键。说谎会对身体造成伤害,引发各种生理反应,例如心跳加快、免疫力下降等。而当我们诚实面对自己和他人时,就能与内在的平静、慈爱和智慧连接,体验到真正的喜悦。我经历过濒死体验,那次经历让我明白,生命的意义在于体验当下喜悦,而不是等到死后。 在疗愈创伤的过程中,我们会增强感知危险的能力,不再怀疑自己的直觉。而创造力是克服焦虑的有效方法,它能让我们从恐惧中走出来,进入平静祥和的状态。创造力不限于绘画、音乐等艺术形式,任何能打破现状、带来改变的行为都是创造性的。例如,当感到不舒服时,选择起身走动,或者专注于一件能让自己感到快乐的事情,都是创造性的行为。 此外,我提出了“闪光点”的概念,它是触发事件的反义词,能让我们联想到快乐的时刻。通过寻找和关注这些闪光点,我们可以提升积极情绪,对抗焦虑。 总而言之,我的工作旨在帮助人们减少痛苦,增加快乐,回归真实的自我。 @Mayim Bialik : 我们常常在无意识中说谎,并因此生病。现代社会文化压力巨大,人们更难找到自己的真实。许多人为了迎合社会规范而压抑本性,导致痛苦。焦虑和抑郁的流行可能与我们持续说谎有关。 我们应该更加关注自身感受,并尝试诚实地与他人沟通。同时,我们也需要找到方法来对抗焦虑,例如通过创造力来激活右脑,从而摆脱焦虑循环。 我个人也经历过许多挑战,但通过不断探索和反思,我逐渐找到了与自身连接的方式,并提升了直觉能力。 @Jonathan Cohen : 我们可能在无意识中说谎并因此生病。现代社会快节奏的生活方式与我们大脑的自然运作方式相悖,导致许多人身心俱疲,患上焦虑症等疾病。 我们需要重新连接内在直觉,并关注身体的感受。通过放慢脚步,关注自身感受,我们可以获得更多信息,并做出更明智的选择。 此外,我们也应该更加关注创造力,它能帮助我们摆脱焦虑,体验到真正的快乐。

Deep Dive

Dr. Beck discusses the challenges of staying true to oneself amidst societal pressures and the importance of aligning with our inner nature for genuine happiness. She shares her personal journey of leaving Mormonism and the difficult but ultimately liberating experience of prioritizing her true self.
  • Societal pressures can lead us to suppress our true selves, causing emotional pain.
  • Aligning with our true nature is crucial for genuine happiness.
  • Leaving a restrictive culture can be difficult, but it's less difficult than living inauthentically.

Shownotes Transcript

Surprising Way to Overcome Trauma, Stop Anxiety, and Finally Heal!

Dr. Martha Beck, Ph.D, a Harvard-educated sociologist, NYT bestselling author & Oprah’s life coach is the leading authority on personal growth, resolving childhood trauma and fixing anxiety.

Dr. Beck uncovers the link between stress and disease and provides practical tools and strategies to fix anxiety, overcome illness, and unlock your hidden power. Her cutting-edge techniques with foundations in CBT, somatic experiencing, sociology, and psychology to help you BREAK FREE to live your authentic life!

She also explains How Trauma Hijacks Your Body (including how your body can distinguish between old trauma & new experiences, and what you can do to heal it), the Physical Dangers of Lying (Spoiler Alert: Your muscles literally weaken when you’re not honest!), and How to Heal Spiraling Anxiety - why creativity is the key to calming your mind & boosting your mental health!

Dr. Beck also breaks down:

- Her near-death experience & how she harnesses the feelings of love and happiness she experienced – anytime, anywhere

- Her incredible psychic experiences, including her mind-blowing “remote viewing” abilities

- Surprising connection between healing trauma and increasing your intuition

Don't miss this chance to transform your life with powerful insights & practical tips to get in touch with your body and heal TODAY!

Dr. Martha Beck's latest book, BEYOND ANXIETY: Curiosity, Creativity, and Finding Your Life’s Purpose: