cover of episode Alexis Wright on activism, Indigenous land rights and breaking down literature stereotypes

Alexis Wright on activism, Indigenous land rights and breaking down literature stereotypes

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A Podcast of One's Own with Julia Gillard

Alexis Wright
Alexis Wright: 艾利克斯·赖特在访谈中多次强调她对澳大利亚文学既定模式的反抗,以及她坚持自我风格的创作理念。她拒绝被任何预设的框架所束缚,无论是出版业的期望,还是对澳大利亚文学的传统定义。这种精神贯穿了她整个的写作生涯,也体现在她作品中对社会议题的深入探讨。她童年时期与祖母的亲密关系,以及在偏远地区社区会议中记录会议内容的经历,都深刻地影响了她的世界观和写作风格。这些经历让她学会了倾听、理解,并最终将这些融入到她的创作中。 她谈到自己早年对阅读写作的抵触,以及在学校受到的不公平待遇。然而,她通过参与土著权利运动,在社区工作中积累了丰富的经验,这些经验反过来又滋养了她的写作。她将自己对土地权利、全球变暖以及政府政策的关切,都融入到她的作品中,试图通过写作来探讨这些复杂的问题,并呼吁人们关注这些议题。 在谈到她的获奖小说《Carpentaria》时,她讲述了作品出版过程中遇到的重重阻碍,以及她最终选择以长辈的口吻来进行创作的决定。这个决定虽然增加了出版的难度,但却让她更忠实地表达了土著人民的声音和视角。她认为,大型文学作品和深入阅读对于理解当今复杂的世界至关重要,并呼吁人们关注作品背后的深刻思考。 在谈到她最新的获奖小说《Praiseworthy》时,她详细阐述了这部作品的创作历程和主题。她将全球变暖、土著社区的未来以及政府干预等问题巧妙地融合在一个家庭的故事中,探讨了在全球变暖的背景下,弱势群体如何应对未来挑战。她认为写作是灵魂的创造,需要深入思考和探索,并希望通过自己的作品来促进人们之间的理解和同情。 Julia: 主持人Julia在访谈中引导Alexis Wright分享了她的人生经历、创作理念以及对社会议题的看法。她对Alexis Wright的写作才华和社会贡献表示赞赏,并通过提问引导她深入探讨其作品的主题和创作过程。 Julia对Alexis Wright童年经历的描述,以及她对Alexis Wright作品中所反映的社会议题的解读,都为听众更好地理解作者的创作提供了背景信息。她还巧妙地将访谈与Virginia Woolf的观点联系起来,进一步升华了对写作和女性创作的探讨。 Julia在访谈中展现了良好的引导能力和敏锐的洞察力,她不仅关注Alexis Wright的文学成就,也关注她作为一名土著女性的社会责任感和对社会议题的思考。她对Alexis Wright的个人经历和创作理念的深入了解,使得访谈内容更加丰富和引人入胜。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Alexis Wright decide to write in a way that challenged traditional Australian literature?

Alexis Wright did not want to be confined by the expectations of Australian literature or how it should be written. She sought to explore deeper themes and break free from the constraints imposed by the publishing industry, aiming to create works that reflected her unique perspective and cultural heritage.

What role did Alexis Wright's grandmother play in shaping her worldview?

Alexis Wright's grandmother was a significant influence, providing a loving and culturally rich environment. She taught Alexis to see the world through a cultural lens, offering wisdom and a different perspective that contrasted with the assimilationist attitudes of the time. This relationship was a saving grace for Alexis, helping her navigate a racially divided community.

How did Alexis Wright's early activism influence her writing career?

Alexis Wright's activism, particularly her work with Aboriginal legal services and land rights, laid the foundation for her writing. She began by taking detailed notes during community meetings, which taught her to listen and understand deeply. This experience eventually led her to write about the struggles and stories of Indigenous people, blending activism with literature.

What challenges did Alexis Wright face in getting her novel 'Carpentaria' published?

Most major publishers rejected 'Carpentaria,' believing the public wouldn't be interested in a long, literary First Nations novel. However, Alexis persisted, rewriting the book in the voices of Indigenous elders. It was eventually published by Giramondo, a small publisher, and went on to win five major literary awards, including the Miles Franklin Award.

What themes does Alexis Wright explore in her novel 'Praiseworthy'?

In 'Praiseworthy,' Alexis Wright examines global warming, Indigenous futures, and the impact of the Northern Territory intervention. The novel follows an Aboriginal family in a community called Praiseworthy as they grapple with survival and resilience in the face of environmental and social challenges. It also critiques the destruction of Indigenous confidence and trust during the intervention era.

Why does Alexis Wright believe works of scale are important in literature?

Alexis Wright believes that works of scale are crucial in today's complex and confusing world. They encourage deep thinking, empathy, and compassion, helping people understand shared humanity rather than divisions. She argues that literature should challenge readers to engage deeply with the issues of our time, moving beyond superficial soundbites.

This chapter explores Alexis Wright's early life, marked by the loss of her father at a young age and her close relationship with her grandmother. It highlights the matriarchal nature of her family and the influence of her grandmother's worldview on her upbringing.
  • Alexis's father passed away when she was five.
  • She had a close relationship with her grandmother, who was of Aboriginal and Chinese descent.
  • Her family was matriarchal, with strong female figures.

Shownotes Transcript

Alexis Wright is one of the most highly-regarded Australian authors in recent times, winning both the Miles Franklin Literary Award and the Stella Prize - twice.

Her work is challenging the traditional publishing world and asking some tough questions.

But her passions extend far beyond writing.

In this episode, Julia explores Alexis’ early beginnings as a young activist, her lifelong dedication to Indigenous land rights and her concerns around global warming, as well as her literary success.

Show notes:

Alexis’ latest novel Praiseworthy is published by Giramondo and is available at all good book stores. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.