在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕 关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频 词汇提示 1.closets 衣柜 2.workshop 作坊 3.furniture 家具 4.floor 层 5.garage 车库 6.maple 枫树 7.backyard 后院 原文 My House l live in a house.My house is small.My house has two bedrooms.My mom and dad sleep in one bedroom.My sister and I share the other bedroom.My house has a kitchen.My mom and dad cook dinner there every night.My house has a living room.My family watches television there every night.My house has a big bathroom.My house has a lot of closets. My house has a basement.My dad has a workshop in the basement.My dad makes wood furniture.My house does not have second floor.My house has a garage.My house has a big backyard.My backyard has a maple tree.My backyard has a swimming pool.My backyard has a vegetable garden.My family likes our house.