在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕 关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频 词汇提示 1.weeded 除杂草 2.lawn 草坪 3.raked 耙 4.sidewalks 人行道 5.paths 小路 6.lemonade 柠檬汁 7.trim 修剪 8.bulbs 球茎植物 原文 Working OutsideToday I was working outside.It was a sunny day,and I was very hot.I wore a hat on my head.I watered all the plants.I weeded the flowers beds.I cut back all the plants that were growing too big.I gave some plants plant food.I cut the lawn.I raked the lawn.I filled up the bird baths with water.I swept the sidewalks and the paths.I took out the garbage.I filled up the car with gas.I washed the car.I hung the clothes on the clothesline.I washed down the lawn furniture.I wash all of the window on the house from the outside.I was so tired.So I had a glass of lemonade.I talked to my neighbor and I helped her trim a tree.I planted some bulbs,and then I went into the house.I was exhausted.