在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕 关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频 原文 Joe's First Car Joe is 18 years old.Joe works at McDonald's.Joe saves all his money.Joe has 2500 dollars in the bank.He wants to buy a sports car.Joe starts to look for a new car.Joe looks in the newspaper.Joe looks in magazines.Joe finds a car he likes.Joe goes to see the car with his dad.He really likes it .Joe doesn't have enough money.Joe's dad tells him to keep saving his money.Joe wants this car a lot.Joe asks his dad to help him.Joe and his dad make a deal.Joe's dad will lend him the money.Joe must work hard. He must pay the money back to his dad.Joe is very happy.Joe owns his first car.