cover of episode 四六级听力死磕磨耳朵 7

四六级听力死磕磨耳朵 7

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提示 1.每期为一篇听力题,每篇裁剪为若干片段,每个片段重复四遍。 2.可以前两遍盲听理解,后两遍根据文字内容精听。 3.根据中英文意思,听不懂的地方多听几遍。 词汇提示 1.psychology 心理学 2.crystallize 成型 3.pretty 相当的 4.chords 和弦 5.rhythms 节奏 6.melodies 旋律 7.deteriorates 退化 8.obligation 义务 9.turmoil 骚动 10.beloved 喜爱 原文 2020.12六级第一套recording  three Why do old people dislike new music? As I've grown older, I often hear people my age say things like, they just don't make good music like they used to. 为什么年长者不喜欢听新音乐?随着我年龄渐长,我经常听到同龄人说些诸如“他们就是没法像过去那样创作出好音乐”之类的话。 Why does this happen? Luckily, psychology can give us some insights into this puzzle. 为什么会这样?幸运的是,心理学可以帮我们看透这一团糟。 Musical tastes begin to crystallize as early as age 13 or 14. By the time we're in our early twenties, these tastes get locked into place pretty firmly. 音乐品味早在十三四岁的时候就已开始成型。在我们二十出头的时候,这些品味已经根深蒂固。 In fact, studies have found that by the time we turn 33, most of us have stopped listening to new music. 事实上,研究已经发现到我们年满33岁时,绝大多数人已经不再听新音乐了。 Meanwhile, popular songs released when you're in your early teens are likely to remain quite popular among your age group for the rest of your life. 与此同时,在你十几岁时发行的流行歌曲很可能会在你的同龄人中一直流行,贯穿你的余生。 That could be a biological explanation for this. As there's evidence that the brain's ability to make subtle distinctions between different chords, rhythms, and melodies deteriorates with age. 对此可能存在一种生物学上的解释。因为有证据表明,大脑区分不同和弦、节奏、旋律之间细微差别的能力随着年龄的增长而退化。 So to older people, newer, less familiar songs might all sound the same, but there may be some simpler reasons for older people's aversion to new music. 因此对年长者来说,较新的、不太熟悉的歌曲可能听起来都一个样,但年长者对新音乐的反感也可能是出于一些更为简单的原因。 One of the most researched laws of social psychology is something called the mere exposure effect, which in essence, means that the more we're exposed to something, the more we tend to like it. 社会心理学研究最多的法则之一称作“纯粹接触效应”,其实质含义是,我们接触某事物越多,就会越喜欢它。 This happens with people we know, the advertisements we see, and the songs we listen to. 这发生在我们认识的人、看到的广告、以及听到的歌上。 When you're in your early teens, you probably spend a fair amount of time listening to music or watching music videos, your favorite songs and artists become familiar, comforting parts of your routine. 在十几岁时,你可能会花大量时间去听音乐,看音乐视频,你最喜欢的歌曲和艺人也就成了你日常生活中熟悉的、令人舒心的部分。 For many people over 30, job and family obligations increases, so there's less time to spend discovering new music. 对许多年过30的人来说,工作和家庭义务增加,所以能用于发掘新音乐的时间减少了。 Instead many would simply listen to old familiar favorites from that period of their lives when they had more free time. 相反,许多人仅仅愿意去听那些来自他们拥有更多闲暇时光的那段人生中熟悉的、最爱的老歌。 Of course, those teen years weren't necessarily carefree, they're famously confusing, which is why so many TV shows and movies revolve around high school turmoil. 当然,少年时光不一定是无忧无虑的,那段时期令人迷茫是众所周知的,这也正是为什么会有如此之多的电视剧和电影围绕骚动的高中生活而展开。 Psychology research has shown that the emotions that we experience as teens seem more intense than those that come later. 心理学研究已表明,我们在青少年时期经历的情感似乎比后来经历的更为猛烈。 And we also know that intense emotions are associated with stronger memories and preferences. 我们也知道,强烈的情感和更强的记忆以及偏好密切相连。 Both of these might explain why the songs we listened to during this period become so memorable and beloved. 这两点或许能解释为什么这一时期听的歌会变得如此令人难忘与喜爱。 So there's nothing wrong with your parents because they don't like your music. Rather it's all part of the natural order of things. 因此,父母不喜欢你的音乐没什么不正常。这都是事物自然规律的一部分。 问题: 22: What does the speaker mainly discuss in this talk? A) Older people's aversion to new music. B) Older people's changing musical tastes. C) Insights into the features of good music. D) Deterioration in the quality of new music. 23: What have studies found about most people by the time they turn 33? A) They seldom listen to songs released in their teens. B) They can make subtle distinctions about music. C) They find all music sounds the same. D) They no longer listen to new music. 24: What do we learn from one of the most researched laws of social psychology? A) The more you experience something, the better you'll appreciate it. B) The more you experience something, the longer you'll remember it. C) The more you are exposed to something, the deeper you'll understand it. D) The more you are exposed to something, the more familiar it'll be to you. 25: What might explain the fact that songs people listen to in their teen years are memorable and beloved? A) Teenagers are much more sensitive. B) Teenagers are much more sentimental. C) Teenagers' memories are more lasting. D) Teenagers' emotions are more intense.