cover of episode 四六级听力死磕磨耳朵 17

四六级听力死磕磨耳朵 17

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提示 1.每期为一篇听力题,每篇裁剪为若干片段,每个片段重复四遍。 2.可以前两遍盲听理解,后两遍根据文字内容精听。 3.根据中英文意思,听不懂的地方多听几遍。 词汇提示1.resigned 辞职 2.unleashing 发泄 3.unburdening 卸下 4.theoretical 理论上 5.confidential 保密的 6.initially 最初的 7.mandatory 强制的 原文 2021.6六级第一套  Conversation One It's my last day at work tomorrow. I'll start my new job in two weeks. My human resources manager wants to conduct an interview with me before I leave. 明天是我工作的最后一天,我将在两周后开始新的工作。我的人力资源部经理想在我离开之前跟我进行一次谈话。 Ah, an exit interview. Are you looking forward to it? 啊,离职面谈,你期待吗? I'm not sure how I feel about it. I resigned because I've been unhappy at that company for a long time, but I'm not sure if I should tell them how I really feel. 我不知道我的感受如何,我辞职是因为我在那家公司已经不开心很久了,但我不确定是否应该告诉他们我的真实感受。 To my way of thinking, there are two main potential benefits that come from unleashing an agitated stream of truth during an exit interview. 在我看来,在离职面谈中讲出让你烦恼的真相,有两大潜在好处。 The first is release. Unburdening yourself of frustration and perhaps even anger to someone who isn't a friend or close colleague can be wonderfully freeing. 第一是释放感情,卸下自己的挫折感,甚至可能是对不是朋友或亲密同事的人的愤怒,这让你感到非常畅快。 And let me guess. The second is that the criticism will, theoretically, help the organization I'm leaving to improve, making sure employees of the future are less likely to encounter what I did? 让我猜猜看,第二点是,理论上讲,这些批评会帮助我即将离开的组织改进,减少未来的员工遇到我所经历的事情的可能性? That's right. But the problem with the company improvement part is that very often it doesn't happen. An exit interview is supposed to be private, but often isn't. 是这样的,但问题是,很多时候并不会发生。离职面谈应该是私人的,但往往不是这样。 In my company, the information gained from these interviews is often not confidential, and the information is used as dirt against another manager, or can be traded among senior managers. 在我的公司,从这些面谈中获得的信息往往不是保密的。而这些信息被用作对付另一个经理的污点,或者在高级经理之间进行交易。 Now you've got me rethinking what l'll disclose in the interview. There is always the chance that it could affect my reputation and my ability to network in the industry. It is a pretty small industry after all. 现在我得重新考虑要披露得内容了。它总是有可能影响到我的声誉和我在行业中的交际能力,这毕竟是一个相当小的行业。 Anything you initially gained from the instant satisfaction of telling it like it is, you might lose down the track by injuring your future career prospects. 你最初从如实相告的即时满足感中获得的任何东西,都可能因损害你未来的职业前景而失去。 Right. Perhaps I would be better getting things off my chest by going to one of those rate- your-employer websites. You could.And don't do the interview at all. Exit interviews are not mandatory 对,也许我去那些评价雇主的网页上把事情说出来会更好。 可以,索性不要去面谈,离职面谈不是强制性的。 问题: Question 1: What do we learn about the man from the conversation? A. He is going to leave his present job. B. He is going to attend a job interview. C. He will meet his new manager in two weeks. D. He will tell the management how he really feels. Question 2: What does the woman think about the information gained from an exit interview? A.It should be carefully analyzed. B.It should be kept private. C.It can be quite useful to senior managers. D.It can improve interviewers' job prospects. Question 3: Why does the man want to rethink what he will say in the coming exit interview? A.It may do harm to his fellow employees. B.It may displease his immediate .superiors. C.It may adversely affect his future career prospects. D.It may leave a negative impression on the interviewer. Question 4: What does the man think he had better do? A.Poue out his frustrations on a rate-your-employer website B.Network with his close friends to find a better employer C.Do some practice for the exit interview D.Prepare a comprehensive exit report