提示 一、每期五个句子,均是从四六级听力真题中选取的长难句。 二、每个句子念三遍女声,一遍男声,再一遍女声。 三、如果觉得语速过快,可以在播放器上调慢语速,多听几遍。 词汇提示 1.malfunctioned 存在 2.inconsistent 不一致 3.spilled 洒出 4.sealed 封锁 原文 36. The cracked tank spilled a pool of a rapidly hardening chocolate, which quickly covered the width of the road. 撞毁的货箱倒出了大滩速冻巧克力,很快就覆盖了整个路面。 37. Police have sealed of the runway, and say itis unclear if it was an accident or an attempted robbery. 警方已经封锁了跑道,并称目前尚不清楚这是一起意外事故还是一起有预谋的抢劫。 38. "We will arrange to return the pets to them as soon as possible", a spokesperson of United Airlines said.“ 我们将尽快安排将宠物送还给他们”,美国联合航空公司的一位发言人说道。 39. The first group was told to complete the puzzles with its participants' smart phones in their line of sight. 第一组被告知,游戏期间,他们的智能手机要放在他们的视线之内。 40. Jude and his family had been invited by there searchers to see the fossil being preserved at the university. 研究人员邀请Jude和他的家人去参观这块保存在大学里的化石。