提示 一、每期五个句子,均是从四六级听力真题中选取的长难句。 二、每个句子念三遍女声,一遍男声,再一遍女声。 三、如果觉得语速过快,可以在播放器上调慢语速,多听几遍。 原文 196. Thanks to the International Space Station we know quite a bit about the effects of low gravity on the human body, but NASA scientists want to learn more. 多亏了国际空间站,我们对低重力对人体的影响有了一些了解,但美国宇航局的科学家们还想了解更多。 197. According to England's Hospital Episode Statistics, children aged one to four were the most likely to need help from doctors fora foreign object in their nose. 根据英格兰医院的统计数据,1到4岁的儿童最有可能因为鼻子里的异物而需要医生的帮助。 198. Ducks are birds that feed and breed in areas where there is a lot of water, but their habitats have been shrinking in recent decades because of the droughts. 鸭子是在水资源丰富的地方觅食和繁殖的鸟类,但近几十年来,由于干早,它们的栖息地一直在缩小。 199. In 2015, two Italian companies collaborated on the construction of a similar type of spacecraft, which was the first coffee machine designed for use in space. 2015年,两家意大利公司合作建造了类似类型的太空飞船,这是第一台为应用于太空而设计的咖啡机。 200. The review concluded that on average runners live 3 years longer than non-runners, and that running does more to extend life than any other form of exercise. 该研究综述总结说,跑步者的平均寿命比非跑步者的寿命长了3年,跑步比其他任何形式的运动都更能延长寿命。