cover of episode 四六级长难句精听磨耳朵 20

四六级长难句精听磨耳朵 20

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提示 一、每期五个句子,均是从四六级听力真题中选取的长难句。 二、每个句子念三遍女声,一遍男声,再一遍女声。 三、如果觉得语速过快,可以在播放器上调慢语速,多听几遍。 词汇提示 1.cultivate 培养 2.self-discipline 自律 3.penalized 处于不利地位 4.obese 肥胖 5.bonus 奖金 原文 96. At the primary level, the main aim is to cultivate good habits, like learning to plan and exercising self-discipline. 在小学阶段,作业的主要目的是培养良好的习惯,如学会列学习计划和培养自律性。 97. On one particular United States island, wild pigs themselves became an attractive food source for a species of mainland eagle. 在美国一座小岛上,野猪本身就是一种大陆鹰的诱人食物来源。 98. Children were responsible for the vast majority of cases - 95% of objects removed from noses and 85% from ears. 绝大多数病例都是儿童造成的——95%的物体是从鼻子上取下的,85%是从耳朵上取下。 99. Campaigners feel it's strange that children in British schools are penalized because they happen to be left-handed. 令活动家们感到奇怪的是,在英国的学校里,孩子们仅因为他们碰巧是左撇子而处于劣势。 100. For those who are overweight or obese, they can receive the bonus if they reduce their weight by 10% during the year. 对于那些超重或肥胖的员工,如果他们在一年内将体重减少10%,也可以获得奖金。