cover of episode Level 5-Day 19. 'A Modern Tragedy And Its Consequences' (3)

Level 5-Day 19. 'A Modern Tragedy And Its Consequences' (3)

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词汇提示 1.lurking 潜藏 2.plague 困扰 3.toll 伤亡人数 原文 Diana,Princess Of Wales: 'A Modern Tragedy And Its Consequences' (3) There are said to be around 110 million mines lurking somewhere in the world - and over a third of them are to be found in Africa! Angola is probably more heavily mined than anywhere else, because the war went on for such a long time, and it invaded so much of the country. So that country is going to be infested with mines, and will suffer many more victims. Even if the world decided tomorrow to ban these weapons, this terrible legacy of mines already in the earth would continue to plague the poor nations of the Globe. "The evil that men do, lives after them." And so, it seems to me, there rests a certain obligation upon the rest of us. One of my objectives in visiting Angola was to forward the cause of those, like the Red Cross, striving in the name of humanity to secure an international ban on these weapons. Since them, we are glad to see, some real progress has been made. There are signs of a change of heart- at least in some parts of the world. For that we should be cautiously grateful. If an international ban on mines can be secured it means, looking far ahead, that the world may be a safer place for this generation's grandchildren. But for this generation in much of the developing world, there will be no relief,no relaxation. The toll of deaths and injuries caused by mines already there, will continue. This tracing and lifting of mines, as I saw in Angola, is a desperately slow business. So in my mind a central question remains. Should we not do more to quicken the de-miners' work, to help the injured back to some sort of life, to further our own contribution to aid and development? The country is enriched by the work done by its overseas agencies and non -governmental organizations who work to help people in Africa and Asia to improve the quality of their lives. Yet mines cast a constant shadow over so much of this work. Resettlement of refugees is made more hazardous. Good land is put out of bounds. Recovery from war is delayed. Aid workers themselves are put at risk. I would like to see more done for those living in this "no man's land" which lies between the wrongs of yesterday and the urgent needs of today. I think we owe it. I also think it would be of benefit to us, as well as to them. The more expeditiously we can end this plague on earth caused by the landmine, the more readily can we set about the constructive tasks to which so many give their hand in the cause of humanity. 翻译 ********威尔士王妃戴安娜:“一场现代悲剧及其后果”(3) 据说大约有1.1亿枚地雷潜伏在世界的某个地方,其中超过三分之一在非洲! 安哥拉的地雷可能比其他任何地方都要多,因为战争持续了很长时间,它入侵了这个国家的大部分地区。 因此,那个国家将被地雷所侵扰,并将遭受更多的受害者。 即使世界明天决定禁止这些武器,地球上已经存在的地雷的可怕遗产将继续折磨着地球上的贫穷国家。 “人所做的恶,死后仍会存在。” 因此,在我看来,我们其余的人都负有某种义务。 我访问安哥拉的目标之一是推动像红十字会那样以人类的名义努力争取在国际上禁止这些武器的人的事业。 我们高兴地看到,自那时以来,已经取得了一些真正的进展。 至少在世界上的一些地区,有迹象表明人们的态度发生了改变。 为此,我们应该谨慎地心存感激。 如果能够确保国际禁止地雷,这意味着,展望未来,对于我们这一代的子孙来说,世界可能是一个更安全的地方。 但对于大多数发展中国家的这一代人来说,他们不会得到缓解,也不会放松。 已经存在的地雷造成的伤亡人数将继续增加。 正如我在安哥拉看到的那样,追踪和清除地雷是一项极其缓慢的工作。 所以在我的脑海里,一个核心问题依然存在。 我们难道不应该做更多的工作来加快扫雷工作,帮助受伤者恢复某种生活,进一步促进我们自己对援助和发展的贡献吗? 海外机构和非政府组织致力于帮助非洲和亚洲人民提高生活质量,使国家更加富裕。 然而,我的地雷一直给这项工作投下阴影。 难民的重新安置变得更加危险。 好地是禁区。 从战争中恢复被推迟了。 救援人员自己也处于危险之中。 我希望为那些生活在“无人区”的人们做更多的事情,这片无人区介于昨天的错误和今天的迫切需要之间。 我想这是我们欠的。 我也认为这对我们和他们都有好处。 我们越能迅速地结束地雷在地球上造成的这场灾难,我们就越能容易地着手于许多人在人类事业中伸出援手的建设性任务。