cover of episode Level 4-Day 47.Dr. Norman Bethune

Level 4-Day 47.Dr. Norman Bethune

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词汇提示 1.streak 性格特点 2.corps 部队 3.wounded 受伤 4.contracted 感染 5.tuberculosis 肺结核 6.Fascists 法西斯 7.allies 盟友 原文 Dr. Norman Bethune Some people find their vocation early in life; others do not discover their life's work until they are older. Norman Bethune tried many things before he fully realized his true work. Bethune was born in Gravenhurst, Ontario in 1890. He was the son of presbyterian clergyman. The family moved frequently, and many of the places they lived were close to lakes, rivers and woods. As a young man, Norman loved the outdoors. He became a good swimmer and skater. He also showed that he had a strong independent streak. He hated rules, but also had a strong sense of justice. The young man studied science at the University of Toronto from 1909-1911. After that, he worked for Frontier College. This was a volunteer organization where instructors did the same jobs as the local workers during the day, and taught them English in the evening. He then returned to Toronto to study medicine. Early in World War I, he joined the Army Medical Corps. He reached France in February 1915, but was wounded in April and eventually returned to Canada. He went back to the war in 1917. At the end of the war, he continued to study medicine in London, England. While he was in England, he married a Scottish woman, Frances Campbell Penney. Although Bethune loved her very much, their marriage ended in divorce in 1927. The couple moved to Detroit, Michigan in 1924 where Bethune opened a medical practice. In the middle of his growing success, he contracted tuberculosis. This was a low point in Bethune's life. Thinking that he was going to die, he considered suicide. One day, however, he read of a new treatment for tuberculosis and insisted that his doctors perform the operation on him. As a result, Bethune recovered. The year was 1927. For some years after, Bethune devoted himself to the treatment of tuberculosis patients. However, he began to notice a pattern. Rich patients who could afford proper medical care usually recovered. Poor patients usually died. Bethune became a supporter of government-funded medicinal care. Bethune admired the government-funded health system in communist Russia. He was angry when Canada would not support his idea about Medicare. Bethune wanted to change the world, and communism seemed like the most promising method. In 1936, Bethune went to Spain to help the Republicans fight the Fascists. He was appalled to see the Fascists' allies, Germany and Italy, dropping bombs on women and children. He developed a hated for Fascism. He also decided that doctors should go to the front, rather than wait for the wounded to be brought to them. In Spain, he developed a blood transfusion service, which saved many lives. Returning to North America, Bethune heard about the Japanese attack on China in 1937. Early in 1938, he sailed for China. Bethune had joined the Communist Party. Now he went to join the army of Mao Tse-sung in Northern China. Mao's army was suffering badly from Japanese attacks. They had hardly any doctors or medical supplies. Difficulties only made Bethune work harder. He soon organized a hospital, trained medical workers, and wrote textbooks. He insisted on operating right at the front to give the wounded a better chance of survival. He went for days without sleep and gave his own blood to help the wounded. In November 1939, he died from blood poisoning. But his work lived on. In 1973, the Canadian government bought his house that he was born in and turned it into a museum. 翻译 白求恩 有些人在生命早期就找到了职业;其他人直到年纪大了才发现自己一生的工作。诺曼·白求恩在充分认识到自己真正的工作之前,做了很多事情。白求恩于1890年出生于安大略省格雷文赫斯特。 他是长老会牧师的儿子。这家人经常搬家,他们居住的许多地方都靠近湖泊、河流和森林。年轻时,诺曼喜欢户外活动。他成为一名优秀的游泳运动员和滑冰运动员。他还表现出了强烈的独立性。他讨厌规则,但也有强烈的正义感。这位年轻人从1909-1911年在多伦多大学学习科学。之后,他在边疆学院工作。这是一个志愿者组织,教官白天和当地工人做同样的工作,晚上教他们英语。然后他回到多伦多学习医学。第一次世界大战初期,他加入了陆军医疗队。他于1915年2月抵达法国,但在4月受伤,最终返回加拿大。他回到了1917年的战争。战争结束后,他继续在英国伦敦学习医学。当他在英国时,他娶了一位苏格兰女子弗朗西丝·坎贝尔·彭尼。尽管白求恩非常爱她,但他们的婚姻在1927年以离婚告终。1924年,这对夫妇搬到密歇根州底特律,白求恩在那里开设了一家医疗机构。在他日益成功的过程中,他感染了肺结核。这是白求恩一生的低谷。想到自己快要死了,他考虑自杀。然而,有一天,他读到一种新的结核病治疗方法,坚持要求医生为他做手术。结果,白求恩康复了。那一年是1927年。几年后,白求恩致力于结核病患者的治疗。然而,他开始注意到一个模式。能够负担得起适当医疗护理的富裕患者通常会康复。可怜的病人通常会死亡。白求恩成为政府资助医疗保健的支持者。白求恩钦佩共产主义俄罗斯政府资助的卫生系统。当加拿大不支持他关于医疗保险的想法时,他很生气。白求恩想改变世界,而共产主义似乎是最有希望的方法。1936年,白求恩前往西班牙帮助共和党人对抗法西斯。看到法西斯的盟友德国和意大利向妇女和儿童投掷炸弹,他感到震惊。他对法西斯主义深恶痛绝。他还决定,医生应该去前线,而不是等待伤员被送到医院。在西班牙,他开发了一项输血服务,挽救了许多生命。回到北美,白求恩听说了1937年日本对中国的袭击。1938年初,他前往中国。白求恩加入了共产党。现在他去中国北方参加了毛泽东的军队。毛泽东的军队在日本的袭击中遭受了严重的打击。他们几乎没有医生或医疗用品。困难只会使白求恩更加努力。他很快组织了一家医院,培训了医务人员,并编写了教科书。他坚持在最前线进行手术,让伤员有更好的生存机会。他一连几天都没有睡觉,并且献出了自己的鲜血来帮助伤员。1939年11月,他死于血液中毒。但他的工作仍在继续。1973年,加拿大政府买下了他出生的房子,并将其改建为博物馆。