cover of episode Level 4-Day 40.Anastasia and the Russian Revolution

Level 4-Day 40.Anastasia and the Russian Revolution

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词汇提示 1.monarchies 君主制 2.Tsars 沙皇 3.herit 继承 4.hemophilia 血友病 5.existence 生活 6.peasant 农民 7.slum 贫民窟 8.deposed 罢免 原文 Anastasia and the Russian Revolution The twentieth century brought many changes to traditional cultures around the world. Some of the most radical changes occurred in the Russian Empire, which had one of the oldest monarchies in Europe. In 1917-18 the rule of the Tsars was replaced by the world's first communist government led by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. No one was more affected by these changes than Anastasia, the Tsar's youngest daughter. Between 1895 and 1901, Tsar Nicholas Il and his wife Alexandra, became the parents of four beautiful and healthy daughters - Olga, Tatiana, Marie and Anastasia. However, since a girl could not in herit the throne of Russia, it was important for Alexandra to give birth to a son. Finally, in 1904, the Tsar and Tsarina had a son, Aleksei. This event, which should have made the whole family very happy, proved to be a source of great sorrow. Aleksei was soon found to have an incurable disease. This disease, hemophilia, meant that Aleksei regularly suffered from uncontrollable internal and external bleedingwhich left him very weak. The Tsar and Tsarina loved their children. The girls, who didn't have to worry about becoming rulers, led a fairly carefree existence. Anastasia and her sisters lived in a palace with hundreds of servants. They attended many society parties with their parents. The most elaborate parties were the grand balls,where everyone dressed in their finest clothes and danced all through the night. The absolute rule of the Tsar was not popular with everybody. The majority of the population was poor peasant farmers who could barely keep themselves and their families alive. If they moved into the city to get jobs in the factories, they had to work long hours for very low wages,and live in slum conditions. Popular opposition forced the Tsar in 1905 to give up some of his power to an elected parliament. They all lived a happy life together. They moved from palace to palace, attended by their private tutors, visiting the beach, and sailing on the royal yacht. Anastasia was the clown of the family. Many of her photos of the royal family in happy times survive. The Empress Alexandra worried about her son and became ill. War with Germany broke out in 1914, and the Russians suffered many defeats and losses. In March 1917, there was popular revolution, and the Tsar was deposed. From that time on, the royal family was prisoners. At first, they were treated kindly, but in November, the Bolsheviks or communists gained control of the revolution. Lenin and his followers hated the Tsar. Because of fears that they might escape, they were brought back to Ekaterinburg in the Ural region. Here, after midnight on June 19, 1918, the entire royal family was shot by the Bolsheviks. To some, this news was too dreadful to be believed. The thought that the Tsar's lively and beautiful daughters had been killed was too hard to bear. Within a couple of years, a woman who went by the name of Anna Anderson appeared in western Europe. She claimed to be Anastasia. With the fall of the Soviet Union, it was possible to investigate the murder of the royal family. It was also possible to prove that Anna Anderson was not the real Anastasia. After a long search, the bodies of Anastasia and Aleksei were found. They had died with the rest of the family. 翻译 阿纳斯塔西娅与俄国革命 二十世纪给世界各地的传统文化带来了许多变化。一些最激进的变化发生在俄罗斯帝国,该帝国拥有欧洲最古老的君主国之一。1917-18年,沙皇的统治被弗拉基米尔·伊里奇·列宁领导的世界上第一个共产主义政府所取代。没有人比沙皇的小女儿阿纳斯塔西娅更受这些变化的影响。1895年至1901年间,沙皇尼古拉二世和他的妻子亚历山德拉育有四个美丽健康的女儿——奥尔加、塔蒂亚娜、玛丽和阿纳斯塔西娅。然而,由于女孩不能继承俄罗斯的王位,亚历山德拉生下一个儿子很重要。最后,1904年,沙皇和沙皇有了一个儿子,阿列克谢。这件本来应该让全家人都很高兴的事,却被证明是一件令人悲痛的事。阿列克谢很快被发现患有不治之症。这种疾病,血友病,意味着阿列克谢经常遭受无法控制的内外出血,这使他非常虚弱。沙皇和沙皇爱他们的孩子。这些女孩不必担心成为统治者,过着相当无忧无虑的生活。阿纳斯塔西娅和她的姐妹们住在一座有数百名仆人的宫殿里。他们和父母一起参加了许多社交聚会。最精致的派对是盛大的舞会,每个人都穿着最好的衣服,彻夜跳舞。沙皇的绝对统治并不是每个人都喜欢的。大多数人口是贫穷的农民,他们几乎无法维持自己和家人的生活。如果他们进城在工厂里找工作,他们就必须工作很长时间,工资很低,生活在贫民窟。1905年,民众的反对迫使沙皇将部分权力交给民选议会。他们都过着幸福的生活。他们从一座宫殿搬到另一座宫殿,由私人导师陪同,参观海滩,并乘坐皇家游艇航行。阿纳斯塔西娅是家里的小丑。她在幸福时光中拍摄的许多王室照片都保存了下来。皇后亚历山德拉担心她的儿子,病了。1914年与德国爆发战争,俄罗斯人遭受了多次失败和损失。1917年3月,发生了人民革命,沙皇被废黜。从那时起,王室就成了囚犯。起初,他们受到了善待,但在11月,布尔什维克或共产主义者控制了革命。列宁及其追随者憎恨沙皇。由于担心他们会逃跑,他们被带回乌拉尔地区的叶卡捷琳堡。1918年6月19日午夜过后,整个王室被布尔什维克枪杀。对一些人来说,这个消息太可怕了,令人难以置信。一想到沙皇活泼美丽的女儿被杀,就难以忍受。几年内,一位名叫安娜·安德森的女士出现在西欧。她自称是阿纳斯塔西娅。随着苏联解体,调查王室谋杀案成为可能。也有可能证明安娜·安德森不是真正的阿纳斯塔西娅。经过长时间的搜索,阿纳斯塔西娅和阿列克谢的尸体被找到了。他们和家人一起去世了。