cover of episode (Level 3)-Day_85 The Dubin Inquiry

(Level 3)-Day_85 The Dubin Inquiry

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在喜马拉雅已支持实时字幕 关注公众号“高效英语磨耳朵”获取文稿和音频 词汇提示 1.inquiry 调查 2.disqualification 取消资格 3.presided 主持 4.proceeding 诉讼 5.mandatory 强制 6.subsequent 随后 7.rippling 扩散 8.bureaucracy 官僚 9.eagerly antiquated 热切地期望 10.testimony 证据 11.submission 文件 12.disclosed 揭示 13.aftermath 后果 14.combat 解决 15.oriented 导向 16.emphasizing 强调 17.immense 巨大的 18.further indication 进一步的迹象 19.rampart 泛滥 20.cheat 作弊 21.epidemic 流行病 原文 The Dubin Inquiry The Dubin Inquiry was a Canadian federal government inquiry into the state of amateur sport in Canada,more specially into the use of performance-enhancing drugs by Canadian athletes. The inquiry followed in the footsteps of Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson's disqualification in the 1988 Seoul Olympics. The inquiry was named after Charles Dubin,a Canadian judge who presided over the proceedings. Johnson won the Olympic men's 100-meter final in world record time of 9.79 seconds. However,his post-race mandatory drug test was positive. Johnson was found to have taken the steroid Stanozolol. The subsequent stripping of Johnson's gold medal turned into probably the most famous case of drug use in the history of sports. It also sent shock waves rippling through the Canadian sports establishment,which various members of government and the sport bureaucracy pointing fingers at each other. Many observers of the sports establishment around the world followed the Dubin Inquiry and the Johnson case. Several countries were dealing with the growing problem of their own athletes using drugs to enhance performance,so the result of the inquiry were eagerly anticipated. The inquiry heard testimony from a large number of athletes,coaches,sports administrators,and others. The most interesting submissions were made by Johnson's coaches Charlie Francis,his physician Jamie Astaphan,and of course from Johnson himself. The inquiry disclosed drug taking on a scale never before suspected. It was discovered that,besides the common practice of coaches encouraging athletes to take drugs,many others were guilty of turning a “blind eye” to the problem and ignoring it. In the aftermath of the inquiry,a new organization,The Canadian Center for Drug-Free Sport,was created to combat the problem. This organization has taken various measures in its attempt to combat drug use by Canadian athletes. However,critics of the Dubin Inquiry have accused the inquiry of being little more than a government inquisition,the real purpose of which was to direct attention towards individual athletes and coaches and away from the government itself. Increasingly in the 1980s,Sport Canada-the governing body responsible for the administration of elite amateur sport in Canada had taken a “success-oriented” approach to Canadian sport:emphasizing winning medal above all other goals. The result,critics have pointed out,was to put immense pressure on Canadian athletes,leading in turn to drug use-among many other extreme measures-to enhance performance. The Dubin Inquiry,in other words,has had mixed reviews. A further indication of the effectiveness of the Dubin Inquiry can be seen in the state of Canadian sport since the inquiry. Despite attempts by The Canadian Center for Drug-Free to educate athletes and coaches on the dangers of drug use,there is little doubt that rampant drug use continues. This has led some observers of the Canadian sport scene to claim that drug use is less a reflection of individual athletes who cheat,but more a reflection of a cultural and institutional epidemic in sport. Drug use has perhaps become so common in the culture of elite sport that dealing with the problem by punishing individual athletes might be ineffective. 翻译 杜宾调查 杜宾调查是加拿大联邦政府对加拿大业余体育状况的调查,尤其是对加拿大运动员使用兴奋剂的情况。这项调查是在加拿大短跑运动员本·约翰逊被取消1988年首尔奥运会参赛资格之后进行的。调查以主持诉讼的加拿大法官查尔斯·杜宾的名字命名。约翰逊以9秒79的世界纪录赢得了奥运会男子100米决赛。然而,他的赛后强制药检呈阳性。约翰逊被发现服用了类固醇司坦唑醇。随后约翰逊的金牌被剥夺,这可能成为体育史上最著名的药物使用案例。这也给加拿大体育机构带来了冲击,许多政府成员和体育官僚相互指责。世界各地体育界的许多观察家都在关注杜宾调查和约翰逊案。有几个国家正在处理本国运动员使用药物提高成绩这一日益严重的问题,因此人们热切期待调查结果。调查听取了大量运动员、教练、体育管理人员和其他人的证词。最有趣的是约翰逊的教练查理·弗朗西斯、他的医生杰米·阿斯塔潘,当然还有约翰逊本人。调查显示药物使用的规模前所未有。研究发现,除了教练鼓励运动员服用药物的常见做法外,还有许多人对这个问题视而不见。调查结束后,成立了一个新的组织,即加拿大无药物体育中心,以解决这一问题。该组织采取了各种措施,试图打击加拿大运动员的药物使用行为。然而,杜宾调查的批评者指责该调查只不过是一次政府调查,其真正目的是将注意力转移到运动员和教练个人身上,而不是政府本身。20世纪80年代,加拿大体育部(Sport Canada)这个负责管理加拿大业余精英运动的管理机构对加拿大体育采取了一种“以成功为导向”的方式:将赢得奖牌置于所有其他目标之上。批评人士指出,其结果是给加拿大运动员施加了巨大的压力,进而导致药物使用和其他许多提高成绩的极端措施。换言之,杜宾调查的评价褒贬不一。杜宾调查的有效性可以从调查后加拿大体育界的状况中进一步看出。尽管加拿大无药物体育中心试图教育运动员和教练吸毒的危险,但毫无疑问,猖獗的吸毒现象仍在继续。这导致加拿大体育界的一些观察家声称,药物使用与其说是运动员个人作弊的反映,不如说是体育文化和体制流行病的反映。在精英体育文化中,药物使用可能已经变得如此普遍,以至于通过惩罚个别运动员来处理这个问题可能是无效的。