听前提示 一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。 二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。 三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。 原文 371. Is this ladder strong enough to bear my weight? 这个梯子是否足够牢固,可以承受我的重量? 372. One million people lost their lives in the war. 100万人在战争中失去了生命。 373. I had hoped that my mother would live until I got married. 我曾经希望我妈妈能活到我结婚的时候。 374. You have to get this work finished by noon. 你必须在中午以前完成这个工作。 375. The doctor told her that she should take a rest. 医生告诉她要静养。 376. If you buy me an ice cream, I'll give you a kiss. 如果你买给我冰淇淋,我就亲你一下。 377. You are free to do as you please with your money. 你的钱,你爱怎么花就怎么花。 378. The young man put out his hand and I shook it. 年轻人伸出他的手,接着我和他握了手。 379. He is going to drive you to the airport. 他要开车送你去机场。 380. A doctor told me that eating eggs was bad for me. 一位医生告诉过我,吃鸡蛋对我的健康有害。