听前提示 一、三遍英文,一遍中文,再一遍英文。 二、从听懂的词入手,理解句子含义。 三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的多听几遍。 原文 121. I don't feel very well. I should go home. 我感觉不太舒服,我该回家。 122. Were you able to do everything you wanted to get done? 你能做成你想做的一切事情吗? 123. One good friend is better than ten relatives. 一个好友胜过十个亲戚。 124. I couldn't prevent Tom from eating all the cookies. 我阻止不了汤姆把饼干全吃了。 125. We have to sing at an old folks home today. 我们今天得去养老院唱歌。 126. We are looking forward to seeing you and your family. 我们很期待见到您和您的家人。 127. What do you want to be when you grow up? 你长大后想成为什么? 128. I would like to retract my previous statement. 我想撤回我之前的陈述。 129. She spends a lot of time practicing the piano. 她花很多时间练钢琴。 130. The boss has a good opinion of your work. 老板对你的工作有很高的评价。