听前提示 一、一段对话为四句,将分成两句为一小节。 二、每小节两遍英文,最后一遍英文一边中文。 三、根据中英文意思,听不懂的可以多听几遍。 原文 Conversation 26 A:Are you tired of driving? 你开车累了吗? B:Almost I'm getting tired. 有些累了。 A:Why don't we take a break? 要不我们休息一下? B:Thanks. Maybe a little later. 谢谢。也许再过一会儿。 Conversation 27 A:Would you give me a hand? 你能帮我一下吗? B: Of course. What can I help you? 当然可以。需要我做什么呢? A:Please take the bags from my right hand so I can get my keys. 请帮我提一下右手的包包,这样我好拿钥匙。 B:Let me carry all the bags so you can open your door easily. 我来提所有的包包吧,这样你开门就方便了。 Conversation 28 A:Excuse me, sir. Do you have a minute? 对不起,先生。能打扰您几分钟吗? B:I'm a little busy right now. 我现在有点忙。 A:Okay should I come back in 5 to 10 minutes? 好吧,我5到10分钟后再过来可以吗? B:Yes, that will be fine thank you for understanding. 好的,谢谢您的理解。 Conversation 29 A:What does your brother do? 你哥哥是做什么的? B: He is a dentist. 他是一名牙医。 A:That must be very helpful when you have a tooth problem! 那你牙齿有问题的时候,肯定会很有帮助! B:Absolutely! It's great to have a dentist in the family. 那当然!家里有牙医真是太好了。 Conversation 30 A:How do you like it here so far? 到目前为止,你感觉怎么样? B:It's exciting, but I'm a little nervous. 很兴奋,但我还是有点紧张。 A:Don't worry. You'll get used to it. 别担心。以后会习惯的。 B:That makes me feel better. Thank you. 这让我感觉好多了。谢谢你!