cover of episode 单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day39(381-390)

单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day39(381-390)

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听前提示 一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。 二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。 三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。 Day 39 381. Cheek n.脸颊,面颊;厚颜无耻,半边屁股v.对…..无礼 Tears rolled down her cheek. 眼泪从她的脸颊上滚下来。 He kissed her lightly on the cheek. 他轻轻地吻了她的脸颊。 He touched me on the cheek. 他摸了我的脸颊。 382. Cheerful adj.欢快的,高兴的;令人高兴的;乐观的 Why are you so cheerful? 你为什么这么开朗? She talked to us with a cheerful voice. 她用欢快的声音和我们说话。 The room was painted in cheerful colors. 房间被涂成欢快的色彩。 383. Cheerfully adv.高高兴兴地 He was whistling cheerfully. 他兴高采烈地吹口哨。 He cheerfully admits that he is over fifty years old. 他高兴地承认自己已经五十多岁了。 384. Chemical adj.化学的,与化学有关的 n.化学品;成瘾的药物 The chemical formula for water is H2O. 水的化学配方是H2O。 This is the chemical composition of the atmosphere. 这是大气的化学成分。 385. Chemist n.化学家;<英>药剂师;<英>药店,药房 He is now working as a chemist in an Institute. 他现在在一家研究所担任化学家。 His father is a chemist. 他的父亲是一名化学家。 He wants to become a chemist. 他想成为一名化学家。 386. Chemistry n.化学;化学成分,化学反应;v.(彼此间的)吸引 When I was at high school, one of my favorite subjects is chemistry. 当我还在读高中的时候,我最喜欢的科目之一是化学。 Are you studying chemistry? 你在学习化学吗? 387. Chest n.胸部,胸膛;箱子,柜子v.以胸部推(球) I have a pain in my chest. 我的胸口疼痛。 She put all her old books into a chest. 她把所有旧书都放进了箱子里。 388. Chew v.咀嚼,嚼碎;咬n.咀嚼;口香糖 Swallow it, don't chew it. 吞下它,别咀嚼它。 Does it hurt when you chew? 咀嚼的时候会疼吗? 389. Chicken n.鸡;鸡肉;懦夫adj.没勇气的,胆小的 The chicken soup is delicious. 鸡汤很好吃。 She used up the chicken bones to make soup. 她把鸡骨头都用来做汤了。 390. Chief adj.首要的,主要的 n.首领;酋长;adv.主要地;首要地 He was the chief of the village. 他是村长。 It's quite simple, chief! 这很简单,首领!