文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵” 词汇提示 1.took turns 轮流 2.tunnel 隧道 3.shore 岸 5.load this truck 装车 10.bowed 弯腰 14.caught 赶车 15.steep 陡 18.loaded 22.jogged 碰撞 25.lame 跛足 28.aircraft,fuel 加油 30.Rolls Poyles 劳斯莱斯 35.fell off 跌落 37.horn 喇叭、号角 38.is knock down 被撞倒 39.crow in 挤进 40.hire 租 41.flew,jet 42.dived 潜、俯冲,steeply 44.flew down 45.thrill 48.bombing along 49.bound for 开往 53.at a tremendous rate 54.anchored 抛锚,shore 55.listed 倾斜 56.swaying 摇晃 57.boat 58.a stiff breeze 强风,bag out 鼓起 60.toughed the ground 搁浅 61.farther 62.smooth stride 平稳的脚步 65.circuit 环形 提示 一、每一个句子都播放2遍美式发音和2遍英式发音。 二、同时听不同口音的好处是更加贴近真实的英文环境,高效提升你英语听力的敏锐度。 三、自己觉得比较陌生的句子,要反复听。 四、一定要坚持!加油! 1 We took turns to drive the car. 我们轮流开车。 2 The train went through a tunnel. 这列火车穿过一条隧道。 3 They walked down to the shore. 他们往下走到了岸边。 4 There is an underground car park. 这里有一个地下停车场。 5 It is time to load this truck. 该装车了。 6 well,I have to go- my ride is here. 好了,我该走了,让我搭车的人来了。 7 I love travelling on train. 我喜欢乘火车旅行。 8 Can you help me get my car going? 你能帮我把车发起来吗? 9 How long is the flight? 这次航班飞多久? 10 He was bowed into a taxi. 他被点头哈腰地送上出租车。 11 I missed the bus and had to walk home. 我没赶上公共汽车,只好走回家。 12 You nearly got hit by that car! 你差点被车撞了! 13 We went there by coach. 我们是坐长途汽车去那里的。 14 He caught the slow train to Birmingham. 他赶上去伯明翰的慢车。 15 That hill's far too steep to cycle up. 那个坡太陡了,自行车根本骑不上去。 16 The car ran clear off the road. 车子完全驶离了道路。 17 I followed him for some distance. 我跟着他走了一段路程。 18 The cargo was loaded onto another ship. 货物被撞倒了另外一条船上。 19 The bus went past without stopping. 公交车经过的时候没有停。 20 Shall we walk or take a cab? 我们步行还是坐计程车? 21 We took a taxi to save time. 我们坐了辆出租车以节省时间。 22 The truck jogged up and down. 那辆卡车颠簸行进。 23 The country road rides hard. 乡村路上车不好骑。 24 The train was 40 minutes late. 火车晚点了40分钟。 25 His lame is the result of an accident. 他的跛足是一次车祸的结果。 26 Our car had a flat tire. 我们那辆汽车有一只轮胎漏了气。 27 They rode up the hill in a jeep. 他们坐了一辆吉普车往山上开去。 28 All aircraft must fuel before flight. 所有飞机飞行前都必须加油。 29 She drove by in her new car. 她开着新车驶过。 30 Rolls Royces are very expensive. 劳斯莱斯汽车价格昂贵。 31 Don't drink and drive. 别喝了酒开车。 32 I lost my train by three minutes. 我迟了3分钟,没赶上火车。 33 The parking area is for members only. 停车设施仅供会员使用。 34 She was driving at 30 miles an hour. 她以每小时30英里的速度驱车前行。 35 He fell off his bike. 他从自行车上摔了下来。 36 The train arrived dead on time. 火车准点到达。 37 A motor horn sounded. 有辆车鸣喇叭了。 38 The man is knock down by the bicycle. 这个男人被自行车撞到了。 39 They had managed to crowd into a train. 他们勉强挤上了一列火车。 40 This car is for hire. 这辆车是供租用的。 41 We flew to New York by jet. 我们乘喷气式飞机到了纽约。 42 The aircraft dived steeply. 那架飞机垂直俯冲下来。 43 The plane was shot down in error. 飞机被错误地击落了。 44 He flew down the road in a car. 他开着汽车沿那条路飞驰而去。 45 I get a real thrill from speed. 飞速驾车会让我兴奋不已。 46 He flew from London to Paris. 他从伦敦飞往了巴黎。 47 The planes flew through the clouds. 飞机穿越云层。 48 He was bombing along on his motorbike. 他正骑着摩托车飞驰。 49 I boarded the plane bound for Boston. 我登上了飞往波士顿的航班。 50 We drove along the dusty road. 我们在尘土飞扬的路上行驶。 51 His plane lands at six-thirty. 他的飞机六点半着陆。 52 I don't travel much by air. 我不常坐飞机。 53 The taxi was going at a tremendous rate. 出租车飞速奔驰。 54 The ship anchored along the shore. 这艘船在岸边停泊。 55 The ship listed badly. 船侧倾得很厉害。 56 The ship was swaying from side to side. 船在左右摇晃。 57 I took part in the boat races. 我参加赛船。 58 A stiff breeze made the sails bag out. 一股劲风吹得船帆鼓了出来。 59 My father met me off the boat. 我父亲接我下船。 60 Their ship touched the ground. 他们的船搁浅了。 61 He was too tired to go any farther. 他太累了,一定也走不动了。 62 He walked with a long,smooth stride. 他走路时步子很大、很稳。 63 They walked around the town. 他们在城里到处走动。 64 He arose and walked to the window. 他站起来,向窗户走去。 65 She made a slow circuit of the room. 她绕着房间慢慢走了一圈。