The Immigrant Time Warp is the phenomenon in which immigrants are locked into the social norms of their native countries at the time they left. Thus, they remain cultural time capsules, often unable to evolve with either their new cultures or their old ones. T.K., creator of the popular website Ask A Korean, has written about this issue on his blog and joins Oxford and returning guest Quyen to talk more about this topic, especially how it affects the children of these immigrants.
Intro/Outro Song: Theme from "Back To The Future"
Intro Voice Track: Abe Simpson from The Simpsons episode "Much Apu About Nothing"
T.K. (@askakorean) Oxford (@oxford_kondo) Quyen (@_quyenngo)
T.K.'s article about the Immigrant Time Warp:
Quyen's Vietnam podcast:
T.K.'s article in NY Mag about BTS, Blackpink, and Kpop:
E. Alex Jung's article about being gay in Korea: