Henry Zhang and Katrina of NYC's Dragon Combat Club joins Jong, Shan and Teen to talk about practical self-defense esp for women living in dense urban environments. We also explore the denialism and learned helplessness within the Asian American community, and how taking control of your own safety is the first and best step to respond to the stunning rise in anti-Asian violence in America.
Join us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/planamag
Check out the new Plan A merchandise shop: https://planamag.com/shop/
REFERENCED RESOURCES: Dragon Combat Club (instagram.com/dragoncombatclub) DCC sign-up (bit.ly/dccsdsignup) Grappling to Survive (www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09RPC9616) BRAV3 (instagram.com/wearebrav3) They Can't Burn Us All (instagram.com/TCBUA) Soar Over Hate (instagram.com/soaroverhate)
TWITTER: Dragon Combat Club (@DragonCombatCl1) Jong (@CaliCoarse) Shan (@duskyrainbow) Teen (@mont_jiang)
SUBMISSIONS & COMMENTS: [email protected]
EFPA Theme: "Escape From Plan A" by Ciel (@aerialist)