Old farts Adam and Filip talk about why the mainstream culture seems to refuse to let video games and eSports into the modern zeitgeist despite it's mass commercial appeal. One theory is that it's "Too Asian", and that might be keeping Asian Americans from leveling up their nascent culture with what's becoming increasingly normalized among the kids these days.
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TWITTER: Adam (@snbatman) Filip (@filipgwriting)
Daigo vs Justin Evo 2004: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzS96auqau0
Why Black Men Love Dragon Ball Z: https://kotaku.com/why-black-men-love-dragon-ball-z-1820481429
VICE - Millionaire Gaming Prodigies - Welcome to eSPORTS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UksbnbWjbPs
Video game revenue tops $43 billion in 2018, an 18% jump from 2017: https://techcrunch.com/2019/01/22/video-game-revenue-tops-43-billion-in-2018-an-18-jump-from-2017/?guccounter=1
Cover Image from Force Gaming - No One Respects Esports: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jICzlLi_nJk
SUBMISSIONS & COMMENTS: [email protected]
EFPA Opening Theme: "Fuck Out My Face" by Ayekay (open.spotify.com/artist/16zQKaDN5XgHAhfOJHTigJ)