"Frankly In Love" is a YA novel by David Yoon is the story of a SoCal Korean American teenager who falls for some white girl and in order to dupe his traditionalist parents, pretends to date his Korean American female friend to placate both their parents... only to actually fall for her. Though the synopsis sounds extremely tropey, the novel delves deep into what it should mean to be modern 2nd-generation Asian Americans and why we may need each other more than ever. Oxford and Filip discuss all this and how they could relate to Frank as Asian American/Canadian men.
*This is a bonus episode for Patreon subscribers! For the full episode, please become a patron at: www.patreon.com/planamag
Filip (@filipgwriting) Oxford (@JesuInToast)
'Frankly In Love' Shows Why 2nd-Generation Asian Americans Need Each Other: https://planamag.com/frankly-in-love-shows-why-2nd-generation-asian-americans-need-each-other-600bf6ea6df0
'To All The Boys I've Loved Before's' Yakult Scene Is About Way More Than Romance: https://www.flare.com/tv-movies/yakult-yogurt-to-all-the-boys-i-loved-before/
'Frankly In Love' Book Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fSfOZHRgsU
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EFPA Opening Theme: "Fuck Out My Face" by Ayekay (open.spotify.com/artist/16zQKaDN5XgHAhfOJHTigJ)