Diana, Teen and friend-of-the-pod Phan (Pod of Most Resistance) tackle Andrew Yang's racial politics, a discussion prompted by his conciliatory reaction to Shane Gillis's blatant anti-Asian racism. Was Yang -- who was specifically targeted by Gillis -- right to offer an olive branch? Did Yang simply make an unpopular choice, or was his appeasement a necessary part of his political strategy?
Teen (@mont_jiang) Diana (@discoveryduck) Phan (@phannyfishcakes)
REFERENCED RESOURCES: Phan's podcast on Andrew Yang's racial politics: https://www.podofmostresistance.com/episodes/andrew-yang-knows-a-lot-of-doctors
Oxford Kondo's article "Andrew Yang's Chilling Message to Asian Americans": https://planamag.com/andrew-yangs-chilling-message-to-asian-americans-888bc4c9315c
Andrew Yang discussing Gillis with CNN: https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2019/09/15/andrew-yang-intv-snl-racist-joke-comedians-sot-sotu-vpx.cnn
Gillis's racist remarks: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/wjwxxw/heres-even-more-audio-of-shane-gillis-saturday-night-live-gleefully-saying-slurs
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EFPA Opening Theme: "Fuck Out My Face" by Ayekay (open.spotify.com/artist/16zQKaDN5XgHAhfOJHTigJ)