cover of episode Steven Knight, writer

Steven Knight, writer

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Desert Island Discs

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Stephen Knight
@Stephen Knight : 我的创作灵感并非总是来自预期的方向,而是在写作过程中自然而然地涌现。这就像是一场探索未知的旅程,你永远不知道接下来会发生什么。我常常从日常生活中听到的对话中获得灵感,特别是那些看似普通却蕴含着深刻含义的对话。这些对话往往表达出人物内心的真实想法,而我的工作就是去倾听、捕捉这些瞬间。我将写作比作做梦,潜意识会将生活中的碎片整合,创造出鲜活的人物和情节。我通常在清晨开始写作,并且会在前一天晚上预留好第二天写作的开头,以确保写作的连贯性。 我的创作灵感也源于我父亲讲述的20世纪20年代的童年故事,这些故事构成了《浴血黑帮》的创作基础。我的母亲年轻时曾做过非法赌博的跑腿,这反映了那个时代社会底层生活的艰辛和复杂性。我从小就展现出写作天赋,并受到一位老师的鼓励。我对美国原住民文化的痴迷始于童年,并通过书信与美国原住民儿童建立了联系。 我喜欢圣歌《永生,隐形》,这首歌让我回想起童年在学校的时光。我来自工人阶级的背景,这让我在写作上没有过多的压力和期望。我早期的职业生涯是从撰写广播广告开始的,这让我学习到了简洁和高效的写作技巧。鲍勃·马利的《救赎之歌》让我回想起70年代和80年代早期,政治是我青年时代生活的重要组成部分。 《百万富翁》的成功源于团队的不断尝试和改进,最终找到了一种有效的节目模式。乔治·迈克尔的《不同的角落》让我回想起我早年在Capital电台工作时与乔治·迈克尔合作的经历。我并不认为获得奥斯卡奖是创作的终点,而被提名则更有利于我继续创作。 在进行创作研究时,我喜欢采用一种独特的方法,即在搜索关键词时加入一些随机的词语,以获得更独特的视角和信息。现实生活充满了随机性和怪诞性,而小说家的工作是将这些元素融入到作品中。我正在创作一部星球大战电影,这对我来说是一次新的尝试。保加利亚合唱音乐能够营造出一种独特的氛围,帮助我进行写作。 《浴血黑帮》的故事讲述了伯明翰城市帮派的故事,并将其赋予了西方史诗的色彩。我希望在《浴血黑帮》中展现工人阶级生活的真实性和复杂性,而不是简单的刻板印象。与斯努普·狗狗的交流让我理解到《浴血黑帮》中关于家庭和忠诚主题的普世性。我为伯明翰建立了一个新的影视工作室,希望它能够成为伯明翰的文化遗产,并为当地居民提供就业机会。尼克·凯夫与坏种乐队的《红右手》是《浴血黑帮》的主题曲,其选择是自然而然的。我怀念过去人们一起观看电视节目的集体体验。我喜欢独处,并认为写作是一项需要独处的职业。哈里·劳德的《继续走到路的尽头》这首歌与我家族的历史和对伯明翰足球队的热爱息息相关。我选择罗伯特·格雷夫斯的《希腊神话》作为荒岛上的书籍,因为其中的故事能够带给我长久的启迪。 @Lauren Laverne : 访谈中,Lauren Laverne 主要负责引导话题,提出问题,并对 Stephen Knight 的回答进行回应和补充。她展现出对 Stephen Knight 的作品和人生经历的浓厚兴趣,并以轻松幽默的方式与他进行交流。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Steven Knight choose Bob Dylan's 'I Want You' as his first Desert Island Disc?

It introduced him to the power of words and imagery in music, sparking his interest in writing. The song's dreamlike quality resonated with him and influenced his decision to pursue writing.

Why did Stephen Knight's mother, Ida, work as a bookie's runner at a young age?

Betting was illegal at the time, and using children was a way to avoid arrest. The police, disguised as bakers and milkmen, couldn't arrest kids, making it a safer job for her.

Why did Stephen Knight choose 'Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise' as his third Desert Island Disc?

He loves the hymn and it reminds him of autumn mornings at school, where everyone sang together in assembly. The tune and the atmosphere of those moments are deeply nostalgic for him.

Why did Stephen Knight decide to go to university in London despite his father's recent death?

He was determined to move to London and applied to five universities there. He thought he was smart and could handle it, even though he was only a few months after his father's death.

Why did Stephen Knight and his writing partner choose 'Redemption Song' by Bob Marley as his fourth Desert Island Disc?

The song reflects the political awareness of his youth in the 70s and early 80s. It's a beautiful and meaningful track that resonates with him.

Why did Stephen Knight choose 'A Different Corner' by George Michael as his fifth Desert Island Disc?

He was impressed by George Michael's command and the emotional depth of the song during a rehearsal at the Brixton Academy. The song's lyrics and mood deeply affected him.

Why did Stephen Knight choose 'Red Right Hand' by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds as his seventh Desert Island Disc?

It's the music most associated with Peaky Blinders. The contemporary sound on a 1920s show became a natural and important part of the series.

Why did Stephen Knight choose 'Keep Right On to the End of the Road' by Harry Lauder as his final Desert Island Disc?

The song is deeply personal, associated with his family and Birmingham City football club. It has a practical and encouraging message that would be perfect for an island setting.

Why did Stephen Knight choose Robert Graves' 'The Greek Myths' as his book to take to the desert island?

The book was a revelation to him, introducing amoral heroes, dreamlike events, and a visceral part of human psychology. It would keep him engaged and inspired for a long time.

Why did Stephen Knight choose a solar-powered laptop as his luxury item for the desert island?

He wants to continue writing, even in isolation. The solar panel ensures he can power the laptop and keep working.

Shownotes Transcript

Steven Knight CBE is a screenwriter, producer, and director for film and television. He is best known for creating the TV series Peaky Blinders but he has also turned his hand to feature films, novels, comedy and even gameshows. He co-created the global TV quiz show Who Wants to be a Millionaire. His first film, Dirty Pretty Things, was nominated for Best Original Screenplay at the Academy Awards; Peaky Blinders won a BAFTA for Best Drama Series and his writing influences are eclectic. His subjects include chess, cooking, Dickens, Diana, Princess of Wales; the origins of the SAS and a Star Wars sequel. Steven was born in 1959, the youngest of seven children to George and Ida Knight. He grew up in Birmingham where his father hoped that his five sons would follow him into the blacksmith’s business. After studying English at University College London, Steven returned to Birmingham and began his career writing radio commercials. He was soon back down in London working at Capital Radio which then led to a career writing comedy for TV, then novels, and eventually screenplays. He is as respected in Hollywood as he is in the UK and more recently he has been instrumental in setting up a new TV and Film studio complex in Birmingham, Digbeth Loc. He is married with seven children and lives in Gloucestershire.

DISC ONE: I Want You - Bob Dylan DISC TWO: Summertime - Ella Fitzgerald DISC THREE: Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise. Performed by Worcester Cathedral Choir / Worcester Festival Choral Society, directed by Donald Hunt DISC FOUR: Redemption Song - Bob Marley & The Wailers DISC FIVE: A Different Corner - George Michael DISC SIX: Messetchinko Lio (You, Little Moon) - Le Mystère Des Voix Bulgares DISC SEVEN: Red Right Hand - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds DISC EIGHT: Keep Right On Until the End of the Road - Harry Lauder

BOOK CHOICE: The Greek Myths by Robert Graves LUXURY ITEM: A solar powered laptop CASTAWAY'S FAVOURITE: Keep Right On Until the End of the Road - Harry Lauder Presenter: Lauren Laverne Producer: Sarah Taylor