cover of episode Classic Desert Island Discs - Steven Spielberg

Classic Desert Island Discs - Steven Spielberg

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Desert Island Discs

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Lauren Laverne
@Lauren Laverne : @史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格 的电影风格多样,但都围绕着家庭、父子关系、纯真、分离和日常生活中大卫与歌利亚式的斗争等主题。他的电影不仅引领潮流,更创造了现象级的作品,例如《大白鲨》、《E.T.》、《侏罗纪公园》、《辛德勒的名单》、《拯救大兵瑞恩》、《林肯》和《西区故事》等。这些作品反映了他从一开始就关注的主题,例如家庭,特别是父子关系、纯真、分离以及我们每天都会面临的大卫与歌利亚式的斗争,最重要的是,正如某个外星人所说,向善的冲动。这些主题也体现在他自己的故事中,在他50年的电影制作生涯之后,他终于在今年讲述了自己的故事。《至爱梵高》是对塑造他的家庭和家庭裂痕的深刻个人致敬。 史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格在电影制作方面取得了巨大的成功,但他本人并不以此为庆祝,而是感到如释重负。他说,他是一个胆小鬼,制作电影后,他立即假设第一天没有人会来,这部电影会在全世界遭到唾弃。当结果并非如此时,他感到如释重负,他不会庆祝,不会举行胜利派对,他只是感到如释重负。 史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格: 拍摄《至爱梵高》让他感到非常焦虑,因为他无法隐藏在其他作者、书籍或类型背后。他无法再躲进那些方便的防空洞里了,他只能和自己待在一起,和你说话。 拍摄《至爱梵高》的初衷是为了弥补失去父母的遗憾,并重温童年记忆。当他第一次看到自己的童年之家在摄影棚里重建时,他的第一个想法是,这会不会是我要求人们陪我经历的最自私的事情?这4000万美元的疗法是什么?他不知道自己在做什么,只知道他在满足自己的需求,一个孤儿或最近因父母双亡而成为孤儿的需要,以某种方式重新捕捉那些记忆,这不会让像米歇尔·威廉姆斯、保罗·达诺和贾德·希尔斯这样他非常尊重的演员觉得太放纵。所以有一段时间他是在走钢丝。他确实很激动,他最大的困难是不要激动。但有些时候,他无法控制自己的情绪。 他选择Gene Pitney的歌曲《枪杀自由瓦朗斯的人》是因为这首歌让他想去看同名电影,并认为这部电影是西部片中的经典之作。他回忆母亲Leah Spielberg是一个充满活力和表达力的人,像个永远长不大的孩子。巴赫的G小调小赋格曲是他对父亲最深刻的记忆,因为父亲每天下班回家都会吹奏这首曲子。他父亲是一个务实、有价值观的人,曾参与二战,并在电脑技术方面有很高的天赋。 父母离婚后,他和父亲疏远了15年,主要原因是他无法理解父亲在离婚事件中扮演的角色。他选择披头士乐队的《米歇尔》是因为这首歌让他回忆起大学时期一段青涩的恋情。他10岁时开始制作电影,第一部作品是一部时长3分钟的西部片,这部电影让他对电影制作产生了浓厚的兴趣。“Action”和“Cut”这两个词让他在生活中获得了掌控感。他选择Jackie DeShannon的歌曲《世界现在需要的是爱》是因为这首歌表达了他对世界的希望和美好愿望。 他在环球影城获得了一个非正式的实习机会,这源于他一次大胆的举动——躲在洗手间里直到旅游大巴离开。《大白鲨》拍摄过程中机械鲨鱼的故障反而提升了电影的悬念和恐怖效果。他对《大白鲨》上映后导致鲨鱼数量锐减感到后悔。他选择Frank Sinatra的歌曲《跟我一起飞翔》是因为这首歌曾被用于他的电影《猫鼠游戏》。 从孩子的视角看世界,更容易保持纯真,避免愤世嫉俗。他承认自己是一个怀旧的人,但他并不介意别人说他的电影过于感伤。电影制作人应该引导观众更好地理解自己,而不是操纵观众的情绪。他的电影都包含积极的信息和结局,因为他相信希望比绝望更好。他选择Bruce Springsteen的歌曲《汤姆·乔德的鬼魂》是因为这首歌让他想起了自己对斯坦贝克的喜爱,以及这首歌对他的影响。 拍摄《辛德勒名单》对他来说是一个艰难的决定,因为他需要时间来准备。他在年轻时对自己的犹太身份认同感并不强烈,直到后来才感到自豪。拍摄《辛德勒名单》让他创立了“Shoah基金会”,这比电影本身更让他自豪。他选择《西区故事》中的歌曲《Somewhere》是因为这首歌在他小时候就让他感动落泪。他认为伟大的故事可以在任何屏幕上播放,但他更喜欢在大屏幕上观看电影,因为他认为这是一种集体体验。他承认自己害怕孤独,无法独自在荒岛上生存太久。他选择女儿Sasha Spielberg的歌曲《Cool Hand》作为最后的曲目,因为它代表了父女情深。他选择《愤怒的葡萄》作为他带到荒岛上的书籍,因为这本书对他影响深远。他选择H8 Bolex相机作为他的奢侈品,因为他可以用它来记录生活,即使只是听齿轮转动的声音。他选择女儿Sasha Spielberg的歌曲《Cool Hand》作为他最想保存的曲目。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Steven Spielberg choose 'The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance' by Gene Pitney as one of his Desert Island Discs?

Spielberg chose 'The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance' because it was a seminal movie in his life. The song led him to the theater, sparking his interest in the film before he knew John Ford directed it. It was one of his favorite Westerns of all time.

Why does the Bach's Little Fugue in G minor hold special significance for Steven Spielberg?

The Bach's Little Fugue in G minor is significant to Spielberg because it was the tune his father whistled every time he came home from work. The whistling signaled his father's return and was a familiar and comforting sound for the family.

Why did Steven Spielberg and his father become estranged after his parents' divorce?

Spielberg and his father became estranged because Spielberg was upset that his father took the blame for the separation, even though Spielberg knew his mother had fallen in love with his father's best friend. Spielberg did not understand why his father took the fall.

Why does Steven Spielberg believe 'What the World Needs Now Is Love' is still relevant today?

Spielberg believes 'What the World Needs Now Is Love' is still relevant because it promotes the idea of love and unity, which he feels is needed more than ever. He hopes the song could inspire people from different political backgrounds to come together.

Why did Steven Spielberg decide to hide in a restroom during a Universal Studios tour?

Spielberg hid in a restroom during a Universal Studios tour to avoid being taken back to the bus and to explore the studio lot. This led to an unofficial apprenticeship where he spent the next two months at Universal Studios, learning about filmmaking.

Why does Steven Spielberg regret the impact of 'Jaws' on shark populations?

Spielberg regrets the impact of 'Jaws' because it led to a feeding frenzy of sport fishing and the decimation of shark populations. He feels responsible for the negative consequences the film had on sharks and marine life.

Why does Steven Spielberg believe that a child's perspective is crucial in many of his films?

Spielberg believes a child's perspective is crucial because it brings a sense of innocence and lack of cynicism. This perspective allows for a more genuine and emotional connection with the audience, as seen in films like E.T. and The BFG.

Why does Steven Spielberg feel that hope is a driving force in his films?

Spielberg feels that hope is a driving force in his films because he believes that hope is better than despair. He aims to offer a solution or a promise of a better future, guiding the audience to form a better understanding of themselves and the world.

Why did it take Steven Spielberg a long time to feel proud of his Jewish identity?

Spielberg took a long time to feel proud of his Jewish identity because he grew up in a predominantly non-Jewish community in Phoenix, Arizona, where he felt on the outside. He wasn't raised in a strictly Orthodox environment, which made him less connected to his heritage.

Why did Steven Spielberg choose 'The Grapes of Wrath' as his book to take to the desert island?

Spielberg chose 'The Grapes of Wrath' because it is his favorite book. The character Maude Jode, in particular, resonates with him as a strong maternal figure, similar to his own mother.

Shownotes Transcript

Steven Spielberg is the most successful director of his generation and the highest-grossing director of all time: his films have taken more than $10 billion worldwide. From Jaws to E.T. and Jurassic Park to Schindler’s List, his storytelling has captivated audiences around the world.

Steven grew up in Phoenix, Arizona, where he started making films as a young boy. In 1958 he made a short Western which won him a Boy Scout merit badge. He screened it to his entire Scout troop and their laughter and applause got him hooked on film making.

In 1971 he directed a television movie called Duel about a motorist who is pursued by a murderous truck driver. The film attracted good reviews from critics, and before the age of 30, Steven had directed his first global hit: Jaws grossed $471 million worldwide and is credited as heralding the arrival of the blockbuster era. He now says Jaws was ‘a free pass into my future.’

He has won three Academy Awards, and has received eight nominations for best director. The Fabelmans, his most recent film, is a semi-fictionalised account of his own coming of age, drawing on his film-making experiences as a child.

Steven is married to the actor Kate Capshaw, who starred in his film Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, and they have seven children.

DISC ONE: The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance by Gene Pitney DISC TWO: Fugue in G minor, BMW 578 – “The Little” arranged by Leopold Stokowski, composed by J.S Bach, performed by Philadelphia Orchestra and conducted by Yannick Nezet-Seguin DISC THREE: Michelle by The Beatles DISC FOUR: What the World Needs Now Is Love by Jackie DeShannon DISC FIVE: Come Fly with Me by Frank Sinatra DISC SIX: The Ghost of Tom Joad by Bruce Springsteen DISC SEVEN: Somewhere, composed by Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim, performed by Reri Grist DISC EIGHT: Coolhand by Buzzy Lee

BOOK CHOICE: The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck LUXURY ITEM: H-8 Bolex camera CASTAWAY'S FAVOURITE: Coolhand by Buzzy Lee

Presenter Lauren Laverne Producer Paula McGinley