cover of episode RE-AIR: Conversations: From Homer, With Love… The Evolution of Oral Storytelling w Dr Joe

RE-AIR: Conversations: From Homer, With Love… The Evolution of Oral Storytelling w Dr Joe

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Let's Talk About Myths, Baby! Greek & Roman Mythology Retold

Joel Christensen
Liv Albert
Joel Christensen: 本期节目探讨了荷马史诗成书之前的口头叙事传统,以及史诗文本化过程中的演变。由于缺乏直接证据,我们只能依靠史诗内部证据和零星外部证据进行推测。学术界对史诗起源存在多种观点,包括单一模型和演化模型。演化模型认为,叙事传统从较低的固定性发展到较高的固定性,最终文本化。史诗中存在多种阿基里斯故事版本,特洛伊战争叙事是一个背景,而非故事本身。从个人演唱发展到24卷巨著,其演变过程值得探讨。史诗内部存在时间上的矛盾,这可能是因为不同时期的演唱内容被整合在一起。公元前6世纪中期,波斯帝国对希腊的影响,促使人们更重视特洛伊战争叙事,这与现代电影《300勇士》的流行类似,都反映了人们对东方他者的认知。荷马史诗的文本化过程持续时间较长,从公元前6世纪的帕西斯特拉图斯王朝时期到亚历山大时期,再到拜占庭时期,经历了多次编辑和完善。荷马史诗文本化后,并未立即取代口头演唱,而是可能被视为神圣的物品而被搁置,口头演唱传统仍然延续。解读荷马史诗需要考虑古代读者阅读和参与叙事的假设,古代人可能只是阅读部分章节,而非整部史诗,口头演唱的节奏和体验也与现代阅读不同。荷马史诗并非口头叙事传统的开端,而可能是其终结。阅读荷马史诗的方式会影响对史诗的理解,古代的口头演唱与现代阅读的节奏和体验不同,需要考虑重复、片段化和实时理解等因素。荷马史诗并非歌颂战争,而是批判战争的愚蠢和暴力。“英雄”一词的含义在古代与现代不同,古代英雄代表着一个特定的时代和叙事模式。荷马史诗反映了古代希腊人对英雄时代的认知,认为其因战争而终结,这与希西奥德的《工作与时日》中的金属时代理论相呼应。荷马史诗中的英雄形象并非完美无缺,其行为和结局也并非一味歌颂。 Liv Albert: 解读古代神话需要考虑其创作目的和文化背景,避免以现代视角进行过度解读。特洛伊战争叙事中,特洛伊人并非完全以敌人的形象出现,这可能与希腊人对自身的认知和文化多元性有关。荷马史诗并非歌颂战争,而是批判战争的愚蠢和暴力。对荷马史诗中英雄形象的解读,需要考虑其创作背景下的社会矛盾和文化观念。对青铜时代崩溃的解读,需要避免以现代视角进行过度解读,避免以现代的价值观去衡量古代人的行为和思想。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why do scholars believe the Iliad and Odyssey were written down in the 6th century BCE?

The cultural pressures of the Persian Wars likely influenced the Greeks to emphasize Trojan War narratives, which represented Greeks banding together against an external threat. This made the stories more popular and provided a reason to write them down.

How did the Iliad and Odyssey evolve from oral storytelling to written texts?

The Homeric epics evolved from oral traditions with less fixity to greater fixity, eventually becoming textualized in the 6th century BCE. The process involved storytelling traditions that were sung in parts and eventually compiled into the texts we know today.

What role did the Persian Wars play in the popularity of the Iliad and Odyssey?

The Persian Wars made the Trojan War narrative more appealing to Greek audiences because it represented Greeks uniting against an external enemy, similar to how the movie 300 resonated during the Iraq War. This cultural context likely influenced the emphasis on these stories and their eventual writing down.

Why are the Trojans portrayed more sympathetically in the Iliad?

The Trojans are portrayed as more sympathetic because the Iliad is not just about Greeks versus Trojans; it’s about the human condition and the problems of heroes. The story emphasizes that the Trojans are part of the race of heroes, making them worthy opponents and not simply villains.

How does the Iliad reflect the political struggles of its time?

The Iliad reflects the political struggles of its time by depicting a society transitioning from monarchy to oligarchic and democratic models. The Achaeans represent an oligarchic aristocracy, while the Trojans’ monarchy is criticized for prioritizing family interests over the people, leading to their downfall.

What is the significance of the 'heroic age' in Greek mythology?

The 'heroic age' represents a period in Greek mythology marked by the wars around Thebes and Troy, which Zeus used to end the race of heroes. This era is seen as a break from the past, with the Iliad and Odyssey serving as cultural memories of this transition.

Why do modern readers often misunderstand the Iliad as a celebration of war?

Modern readers often misunderstand the Iliad as a celebration of war because they focus on the glory of heroes and battles. However, the Iliad actually critiques war, showing how violence and conflict harm both individuals and communities, and ultimately, the only good reason to fight is to protect loved ones.

How does the Iliad challenge the concept of monarchy?

The Iliad challenges monarchy by showing how the Trojans’ royal family prioritizes its interests over the people, leading to poor decisions and ultimate defeat. The story suggests that monarchies, unlike oligarchies or democracies, cannot make decisions for the good of the city.

What is the evolutionary model of the Iliad’s development?

The evolutionary model suggests that the Iliad evolved over time from oral storytelling traditions, moving from less fixity to greater fixity before being written down. This model emphasizes that the text we have today is the result of a long process of development and adaptation.

Why do some scholars believe the Iliad was written down in the 9th or 8th century BCE?

Some scholars argue that the Iliad was written down in the 9th or 8th century BCE because this is when alphabetic writing first appeared in Greece. They also believe this timing is closer to the supposed Trojan War, making the story more historically relevant.

Shownotes Transcript

Due to a cough that Liv just cannot seem to shake, part two of the Q&A episodes will be coming next week. Instead, today enjoy a favourite episode from earlier this year. This episode originally aired on April 19, 2024. 

Liv is joined by Joel Christensen to talk all things oral storytelling, the tradition, theories on its origins, and how the Iliad and the Odyssey intersect with their ancient origins. Read more from Joel on Sententiae Antiquae). Help keep LTAMB going by subscribing to Liv's Patreon for bonus content!)

CW/TW: far too many Greek myths involve assault. Given it's fiction, and typically involves gods and/or monsters, I'm not as deferential as I would be were I referencing the real thing.

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