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Kian Katanforoosh is the CEO and cofounder of, the skills intelligence platform redefining how enterprises understand, develop, and mobilize talent. Workera empowers organizations to stay ahead by unlocking the skills data needed to drive innovation. Enterprises get an objective pulse of their innovation skills through a configurable skills ontology, using AI-powered measurement of data, AI, software, cloud, and cyber skills at an atomic-level. Kian is also a lecturer at Stanford University, where he teaches Deep Learning in the Computer Science department with Prof. Andrew Ng. Kian has been acknowledged for his teaching excellence by Stanford with the Walter J. Gores Award, Stanford’s highest teaching award, and the Centennial Award for Excellence in teaching.Additionally, Kian is a founding member of and he co-created the Deep Learning Specialization on Coursera with Andrew Ng. From 2014 to 2016, Kian co-founded and co-led Daskit, a French start-up developing in-classroom ed-tech solutions for universities.Kian's Recommended ResourcesTo learn more about cutting edge AI, try:
Learning through Tiktoks
Follow AI company CEOs, founders and researchers on Linkedin and Twitter, and see who they follow. People like:
Andrew Ng)
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Yann LeCun)
Jeremy Howard)
Ian Goodfellow)
Ruslan Salakhutdinov)
Whole slew of companies and CEOs here)
AI Reddit goes deeper on research
r/ArtificialInteligence/) (yes, with 1 "l")
For more Technical training, go on AI conference websites to look at award-winning papers. This includes conferences like: