Vice President Walter Mondale was a pioneer in US housing policy. He championed the Fair Housing Act (1968) to outlaw discrimination based on race, religion, national origin, sex, and family status.
How has this landmark law for fair housing impacted our challenges today with affordability and access? How does the Fair Housing Act empower communities today?
This extraordinary program brings together national and state leaders in housing - Greg Squires (George Washington University) and Ingrid Gould Ellen (New York University) join Minnesota experts Edward Goetz (University of Minnesota, Humphrey School), Myron Orfield (University of Minnesota, Law School), Shannon Smith Jones (Greater Twin Cities United Way), and Maureen Michalski (Ryan Companies).
About this Series: The Mondale Dialogues are a series of events that project the decency and fairness that guided the public life of Walter F. Mondale and the principles he long fought for. They feature prominent local, national, and international luminaries working on pressing issues of our time. Students, faculty, community members, as well as our online global audience, will find the Mondale Dialogues engaging, informative and thought-provoking.
Event made possible by Penny and Bill George and the George Family Foundation