cover of episode 309: Dr. Seth Dobrin, CEO of Qantm AI, on the AI Revolution: Job Creation, Cultural Bias, and Preparing for Rapid Workforce Changes

309: Dr. Seth Dobrin, CEO of Qantm AI, on the AI Revolution: Job Creation, Cultural Bias, and Preparing for Rapid Workforce Changes

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AI and the Future of Work

AI Deep Dive AI Insights AI Chapters Transcript
Dan Turchin
Seth Dobrin
Dan Turchin: 人工智能将导致一些工作岗位消失,但也创造新的工作岗位,这是工业革命的特征。我们需要关注AI对现有劳动力的影响,并帮助那些因AI而失业的人们找到新的工作。 当前关于AI的担忧是否过早,或者是否存在一些根本性的不同之处,导致了目前的混乱局面?十年后,工作场所中普遍使用但现在看来像是科幻小说中的技术是什么? Seth Dobrin: 机器学习和AI在基因组学和天体物理学领域率先实现了从计算机科学和数学向现实世界应用的过渡。生成式AI模型在提供参考文献时,准确率很低,大部分时间都无法正确引用。Web3和AI的结合可以创造围绕知识产权的经济体系,解决AI模型错误引用或未正确引用学术文献的问题。 企业领导者最关注的是AI监管,特别是欧盟AI法案的合规问题。企业在遵守AI法规方面面临诸多挑战,包括如何让团队参与数据收集、如何评估供应链风险以及如何获得充分的法律保障等。在购买生成式AI模型时,企业应该要求供应商提供充分的法律保障,以应对潜在的诉讼风险。 生成式AI将对就业产生影响,虽然短期内可能导致一些工作岗位消失,但长期来看,它将创造更多新的就业机会。我们需要关注AI对现有劳动力的影响,并帮助那些因AI而失业的人们找到新的工作。沙特阿拉伯的“沙特化”政策要求企业对员工进行AI相关的再培训和技能提升,这是一种有效的应对AI对就业影响的方法。如果不对员工进行再培训和技能提升,AI带来的经济增长将无法实现,因为大量失业会影响经济活动。企业转型成功的关键在于信任和诚实,要与员工坦诚沟通,帮助他们适应新的工作岗位。 当前关于AI的担忧并非过早,AI技术发展速度空前,对人类的影响尚未得到充分重视,技术本身也存在固有的问题。未来AI技术的主要应用领域将是医疗、军事和工业等能够对人类社会产生重大影响的领域。AI可以消除算法中固有的偏见,但需要谨慎避免将特定文化的偏见强加于其他文化。AI模型的开发主要集中在中国和美国,这导致了特定文化视角被强加于全球的风险,即“技术殖民主义”。十年后,人们与技术互动的方式将发生显著变化,将更多地采用基于AI的对话式界面和VR/AR界面,而不是传统的计算机界面。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the potential impact of AI on the workforce according to Dr. Seth Dobrin?

AI will eliminate some jobs while creating new ones, similar to past industrial revolutions. The key difference is that this transformation will occur within a 10-year period, much faster than previous revolutions, which spanned multiple generations. This rapid change necessitates proactive measures to reskill and upskill workers to transition them into new roles.

How does Dr. Seth Dobrin propose addressing job displacement caused by AI?

Dr. Dobrin emphasizes the importance of transparency and trust in workforce transformation. He suggests that companies should openly communicate with employees about job changes, provide time and resources for upskilling, and offer support for transitioning into new roles. For example, during his tenure at Monsanto, he allocated 20% of employees' time to reskilling and provided certifications, resulting in 60% of employees retaining their jobs and others transitioning smoothly.

What are the ethical concerns surrounding AI attribution and academic research?

Generative AI models often fail to provide accurate attribution for content, with 46% of references being completely wrong and 47% being partially incorrect. This undermines academic integrity and denies authors proper recognition and compensation. Dr. Dobrin suggests leveraging Web3 technologies, such as blockchain, to create immutable records of ownership and attribution, enabling a token-based economy to compensate authors and ensure proper referencing.

What challenges do companies face with the EU AI Act?

The EU AI Act introduces stringent regulations, particularly for high-risk AI use cases. Companies are concerned about compliance, as the definition of high-risk use cases remains unclear, and there is a lack of certified auditors for many standards. Additionally, companies must navigate supply chain risks, ensure proper data collection, and secure indemnification against potential litigation related to AI models.

How does Dr. Dobrin view the cultural biases embedded in AI models?

AI models often reflect the cultural biases of their developers, primarily from the US and China. This can lead to 'technological colonialism,' where these cultural perspectives are imposed globally. Dr. Dobrin warns against embedding cultural constructs into AI systems, as bias is a human construct, and algorithms must be designed to account for and mitigate these biases to ensure fairness across diverse cultural contexts.

What is Dr. Dobrin's perspective on the rapid pace of AI innovation?

Dr. Dobrin believes the current pace of AI innovation is unprecedented and concerning. Unlike previous industrial revolutions, which unfolded over decades, AI's impact is occurring within a 10-year window. This rapid change leaves little time to address human impacts, technological limitations, and ethical concerns, such as hallucinations in AI models and the environmental impact of energy-intensive AI systems.

What does Dr. Dobrin predict about the future of human-technology interaction by 2030?

By 2030, Dr. Dobrin envisions a shift away from traditional computer interfaces toward conversational and wearable technologies. He predicts that VR, AR, and AI-driven wearables will dominate how people interact with technology, making devices like laptops obsolete. This transformation will be driven by advancements in AI and the integration of immersive technologies into everyday life.

What is the concept of 'technological colonialism' as discussed by Dr. Dobrin?

Technological colonialism refers to the imposition of cultural biases and perspectives embedded in AI models developed primarily in the US and China onto the rest of the world. This can lead to the global dissemination of specific cultural norms and biases, marginalizing other perspectives. Dr. Dobrin highlights the need for diverse representation in AI development to avoid perpetuating this form of cultural dominance.

The conversation starts by acknowledging that AI will eliminate some jobs while creating others, similar to previous industrial revolutions. The focus is on how to support those who lose their jobs due to AI.
  • AI will cause job losses and creation of new jobs.
  • Industrial revolutions historically lead to job displacement and creation.

Shownotes Transcript

Dr. Seth Dobrin, CEO of Qantm AI, is a leading authority in the AI business world. He was IBM’s first-ever Global Chief AI Officer and is known for his human-centered approach to AI in corporate strategy, culture, and talent. With a PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology from Arizona State University, Dr. Dobrin's early work focused on developing algorithms for large-scale genetic data analysis, later transitioning to business solutions at companies like Monsanto and IBM. He now leads Qantm AI and is a key investor in responsible AI ventures.

In this conversation, we discuss:

  • The role of responsible AI in corporate culture and how it impacts business strategies.
  • Dr. Dobrin’s transition from molecular biology to AI and its applications in genetics and business.
  • Insights into the future of AI regulations, including the challenges companies face in complying with emerging laws like the EU AI Act.
  • The potential of AI to transform the workforce, creating both new job opportunities and eliminating existing ones.
  • The ethical concerns surrounding AI, including attribution, bias, and technological colonialism.
  • How conversational interfaces and AI-driven technologies will change the way we interact with the digital world in the next decade.


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