Dramatic sigh, Andy Kriebel (http://vizwiz.blogspot.com/?m=1) returns. We talk about a recent Viz of the Day by Dash Davidson (http://public.tableau.com/profile/dash7070#!/vizhome/SteamerROSSplitProjection/Story3), Andy's move to The Information Lab (http://www.theinformationlab.co.uk/), his new role as Head Coach of The School of Data, (http://www.theschoolofdata.co.uk/) & Dear Data Two (http://www.dear-data-two.com/), a collaborative project with Jeffrey Shaffer (http://www.dataplusscience.com/). Next in the lineup...We chat about Viz of the Days & the various Tableau Topics Du Jour. We love social media and we love you. So, let us know what you want to hear more of, less of, or specific topics you want us to discuss. We promise Emily will be super excited about it and Matt will have a dramatic sigh. Email : [email protected] Tweet us :https://twitter.com/thetwpodcast Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/tableauwannabepodcast Good Day and good viz Emily & Matt