Was Your Body Intelligently Designed? Book- Your Designed Body
Watch this presentation at- https://youtu.be/dUSNqJEsLKc?si=y88HUkDU1C1-z0_-)
Discovery Science)
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39,998 views Apr 22, 2024
Medical doctor Howard Glicksman and systems engineer Steve Laufmann discuss the incredible intelligent design and functionality of the human body and make a compelling case that no gradual evolutionary pathway could have achieved this, and that instead it must be the handiwork of a masterful designer-engineer. in this presentation taped at the 2023 Westminster Conference on Science and Faith sponsored by Discovery Institute and Westminster Theological Seminary. For more information on the topic of this talk, check out the book Your Designed Body by Glicksman and Laufmann: https://discoveryinstitutepress.com/b...) ============================ Are you interested in the origins of life and the universe? Get this free book and explore the debate between Darwinian evolution and intelligent design. If you're intrigued by the origins of life, this is a must-read. It might change the way you view our world. As a special gift from the director of the CSC, Dr. Stephen Meyer, you can download his 32-page mini-book Scientific Evidence for a Creator fore FREE: https://evolutionnews.org/_/sefac) The Discovery Science News Channel is the official Youtube channel of Discovery Institute's Center for Science & Culture. The CSC is the institutional hub for scientists, educators, and inquiring minds who think that nature supplies compelling evidence of intelligent design. The CSC supports research, sponsors educational programs, defends free speech, and produce articles, books, and multimedia content. For more information visit: https://www.discovery.org/id/) http://www.evolutionnews.org/) http://www.intelligentdesign.org/) Are you interested in the origins of life and the universe? Get this free book and explore the debate between Darwinian evolution and intelligent design. If you're intrigued by the origins of life, this is a must-read. It might change the way you view our world. As a special gift from the director of the CSC, Dr. Stephen Meyer, you can download his 32-page mini-book Scientific Evidence for a Creator fore FREE: https://evolutionnews.org/_/sefac) Follow us: X: / discoverycsc ) Facebook: / discoverycsc ) Instagram: / discoverycsc ) TikTok: / discoverycsc ) Visit other Youtube channels connected to the Center for Science & Culture Discovery Institute: / discoveryinstitute ) Dr. Stephen C. Meyer: / drstephenmeyer )