The Dead Who Die in the Lord and Bruce R. McConkie's Final Testimony. ACU Sunday Series.
The Dead Who Die in the Lord
Bruce R. McConkie's final testimony
The Dead Who Die in the Lord
General Conference)
269K subscribers Elder Bruce R. McConkie delivers a message titled "The Dead Who Die in the Lord."
Bruce R. McConkie's final testimony - April, 1985
Apostle Bruce R. McConkie's last address in a General Conference, 4/1985. The emotion he shows was unique for him, which became understandable when his body lay in its casket before the same podium for his funeral two weeks later. - - - - - - "I am one of his witnesses, and in a coming day I shall feel the nail marks in his hands and in his feet and shall wet his feet with my tears. "But I shall not know any better then than I know now that he is God's Almighty Son, that he is our Savior and Redeemer, and that salvation comes in and through his atoning blood and in no other way."