Tamara Laroux Shot Herself, & Went to Hell, Then to Heaven and BACK!! 2 Interviews. ACU Sunday Series.
Tamara Laroux shot herself in the chest, died, and went to hell, but God RESCUED HER from hell and took her to heaven for a glimpse of it, before returning her spirit to her body!! http://www.cbn.com/700club)
You are recommended to watch this interview at- https://youtu.be/HGQDkCi-OIY?si=E-PeFdUalOMg91mF)
122K subscribers
5,957,093 views Feb 23, 2011
800-759-0700 - Toll Free Prayer Line Here is the link to Tamara Laroux and her husband Rodney's ministry website. Their ministry is called "Life Change International". http://lifechangeintl.com/) If you would like to read my detailed Born Again Information, here is the link to the introductory message. It is a .pdf file, so you will need to have the FREE Adobe Reader installed on your computer. Get the free Adobe Reader here and install it on your computer: http://get.adobe.com/reader/) The Born Again Information is here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3...) Here is another link that will help you better understand how things fit together spiritually: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3...) This link is to a teaching on "How to Forgive Yourself" http://www.greatbiblestudy.com/forgiv...) If you would like to listen to Christian music on the Internet, then please see the link below. It has several different types of Christian music, each on its on separate channel. There's even a Christmas channel so you can even listen to Christmas Music anytime you wish! http://www.cbn.com/radio/) This is a link to a website loaded with other people's experiences of going to heaven and coming back to tell about it! Also some are about people going to hell and coming back! http://heavenvisit.com/home.html)
A Second Chance at Heaven - Tamara Laroux (Guest)
Watch this video at- https://youtu.be/qHWJ7d7caKM?si=2lKe9mvBbXUQ3lvY)
Bridge City News)
27.9K subscribers
4,633 views Feb 6, 2020
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