John Stossel Part 14
John Stossel)
Big Data Knows ALL About You
Capitalism and Loneliness: What The Media Get WRONG
Courage is Contagious: Rikki Schlott on Fighting Back Against Cancel Culture
A Recipe for Big Government: "Food Insecurity"
Rand Paul: What They Didn’t Want You To Know About Covid, the Lab Leak, and Fauci
California's Green Dream: Coming to YOUR State!?
When Police Wreck Your Property and Leave You With the Bill
The "Pregnant Workers Fairness Act” Will Hurt The Women It’s Supposed To Help.
Big Data Knows ALL About You
John Stossel)
893K subscribers
115,668 views Dec 5, 2023
The government is tracking you. Here’s HOW they do it and WHY you should care @NaomiBrockwellTV) has a popular YouTube channel where she points out that the government constantly spies on us, using data that apps collect via our phones. But these apps “make my life easier,” I push back,“Convenience matters!” “But privacy is important,” explains Brockwell. "The government is purchasing all this data about us. They’re creating records about all of us, and that's a really scary thing.” "That data is forever … You have no control over what societal norms might change in the next 10 years and that data suddenly becomes incriminating. You're basically making a bet that you and the people with the guns will always stay on good terms.” In my video above, she explains why that’s not a good bet to make.
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Capitalism and Loneliness: What The Media Get WRONG
John Stossel)
893K subscribers
132,003 views Nov 28, 2023
Scaremongers tell us: capitalism makes us "feel lonely" and "empty inside." But Johan Norberg’s new book, The Capitalist Manifesto, points out the many ways capitalism makes life better, including making people LESS lonely. ———— To get our new weekly video from Stossel TV, sign up here: ———— "Every poll we're looking at shows that people say that they’re less lonely in the most market-oriented societies,” Norberg tells me. The Human Freedom Index ranks countries according to how free, and market-oriented they are. Not only are people less lonely in capitalist countries, but Norberg points out that "if you increase freedom by one point, you reduce loneliness levels by six percentage points.” But I tell Norberg, "Under capitalism, people compete. Sounds divisive. Sounds like it would pull us apart.” "Feudalism, communism, fascism... that’s divisive. That’s all based on getting resources by taking them from somebody else. What capitalism does is that it forces us to think, 'what does the other guy want?'” says Norberg. That’s because, under capitalism, to sell someone something, you have to please them. The full video above has more information about how capitalism makes our lives better.
Courage is Contagious: Rikki Schlott on Fighting Back Against Cancel Culture
John Stossel)
893K subscribers
203,637 views Nov 7, 2023
23-year-old Rikki Schlott self-censored her views in college. What did she believe that was so terrible? Well, she’s a right-leaning libertarian. At NYU, that’s scary, she says. ———— To get our new weekly video from Stossel TV, sign up here: ———— “I was afraid to have Thomas Sowell books on my bookshelf,” says Schlott. She kept her mouth shut and eventually dropped out of NYU because she found it stifling. But now, Schlott is fighting back. Her new book Cancelling of the American Mind, details how cancel culture crushes people who think differently. “We need to come together and actually fight back.” Schlott tells me, “We want to live in a free speech culture and not a cancel culture.” Watch the video to learn more about Rikki Schott’s fight.
A Recipe for Big Government: "Food Insecurity"
John Stossel)
893K subscribers
279,322 views Oct 31, 2023
The government tells us 33 million Americans suffer from food insecurity! Really? 33 million Americans are hungry? ———— To get our new weekly video from Stossel TV, sign up here: ———— “That’s just not true,” says Rachel Sheffield, a researcher at The Heritage Foundation. “'Food insecure' adults are more likely to be consuming too many calories rather than too few," The government always tries to create a crisis. “Government programs tend to want to keep themselves going,” says Sheffield. But their handouts harm the very people they are meant to help. “We’ve spent more on the war on poverty than all the military wars combined in the United States without any success.” The result? Increased dependency on government! Expanding the welfare system seems to be the government’s main goal. The food insecurity myth and others, like "food desserts,” are debunked in the video above.
Rand Paul: What They Didn’t Want You To Know About Covid, the Lab Leak, and Fauci
John Stossel)
893K subscribers
346,973 views Oct 24, 2023
Top scientists tried to cover up the origin of Covid, according to Senator Rand Paul. ———— To get our new weekly video from Stossel TV, sign up here: ———— In his new book “Deception: The Great Covid Cover-Up,” Paul backs up his claims about a Covid lab leak from a research facility funded by Anthony Fauci. “It looks like it came from the lab,” Senator Rand Paul tells me. “America funded it. It was maybe not done with evil intentions. It was done with the misguided notion that gain of function research was safe.” Gain of function research includes making viruses more deadly or infectious, in order to develop vaccines. Paul argues that gain of function is a risk to civilization. :We could wind up with a lethal virus that leaks out of a lab and kills half of the planet." You can watch the video above for more on why Paul thinks Covid came from a lab, and how officials tried to cover it up.
California's Green Dream: Coming to YOUR State!?
John Stossel)
893K subscribers
253,525 views Oct 17, 2023
Pennsylvania regulators are forcing truck drivers to buy trucks outside Pennsylvania. The crazy part: they didn’t even make the rules; they were made by California. ———— To get our new weekly video from Stossel TV, sign up here: ———— “We have no say, we can’t do anything about it,” says Brian Wanner the owner of Peter Brothers Trucking, “I don’t want to be anything like California.” But that’s too bad, because Pennsylvania’s Environmental Quality Board decided to automatically copy rules from California. The newest rules will raise the cost of new trucks by more than $50,000. The regulators say these rules are important to stop pollution. That’s dumb, says Wanner, “In 1980, 1 truck produced as much as 60 trucks today.” “So, we want people to buy new trucks,” I ask? “You want people to buy new trucks,” responds Wanner. “But if you put these costs on us that we cannot afford, we're going to just run the older trucks.” That’s something the regulators don’t think about. In fact, there’s a lot they don’t think about. Their decision hurts truck sellers, won’t stop pollution, could be unconstitutional, and will only get more expensive when California mandates "all electric." All that and more in the video above.
When Police Wreck Your Property and Leave You With the Bill
John Stossel)
893K subscribers
246,126 views Oct 10, 2023
What happens if police destroy your property while trying to catch a bad guy? Do they compensate you? For many the answer is: NO! ———— To get our new weekly video from Stossel TV, sign up here: ———— Innocent print shop owner Carlos Pena had his shop wrecked by police. “All the work of my life … just got ruined!” says Pena. Police destroyed his shop trying to catch a man who barricaded himself inside the shop. Pena thought he’d be reimbursed. But after a year spent trying to navigate the bureaucracy, he hasn’t received anything. “They just gave me numbers to call. And when you call, they referred me to somebody else,” explains Pena, “It's unbearable!” Lawyer Jeffrey Redfern of the Institute for Justice took his case for free because he says what happened to Pena is unconstitutional. “We want to make it clear,” explains Redfern, “when police destroy innocent people's property, they have to pay for the damage that they did.” If you’d like to help Pena recover his life, here is a Go-Fund-Me page set up to help him:
The "Pregnant Workers Fairness Act” Will Hurt The Women It’s Supposed To Help.
John Stossel)
893K subscribers
333,749 views Sep 26, 2023
A new law forces businesses with 15 employees or more to provide pregnant workers with special working conditions. ———— To get our new weekly video from Stossel TV, sign up here: ———— Sounds great! "These policies...are motivated by good intentions,” says Vanessa Brown Calder from the CATO Institute. "But that doesn't mean that the consequences of these policies will turn out well.” No, it doesn’t. Calder—who is pregnant—fears this new law will lead to fewer women being hired. My new video explains.