Summary: I have Wolf Richter on the show to discuss some of the direct effects of inflation and how they’ve been impacting our day to day lives. Not only does this phenomenon turn savers into spenders; we are ultimately spending more regardless due to property rents spiking, used automobiles going up in price, and shortages of materials/laborers. The list goes on—tune in to hear more about what has changed in the economy and some of the forthcoming shifts to expect. Highlights: -Just yesterday, the wholesale price index was up 9.7% -Is the inflation rate really running double what the government says it is? It’s certainly higher -Inflation has a pervasive effect, turning savers into spenders -There’s an above average supply of used vehicles, but prices continue to spike -Rents have been going up significantly, especially in metropolitan areas -Asking rents have spiked -Building a home requires a lot of planning ahead in consideration of the required resources and labor; it’s not as simple a process to start as it used to be -There are shortages of materials/laborers -Higher wages won’t solve all problems, but are definitely part of the equation -Some of the labor force has stopped working and started living off their crypto earnings -We will probably see a downward trend of asset prices Useful Links: Financial Survival Network Wolf Street Markets and Bonds with Ross Clark; Truckers and Cryptos with John Rubino; Autos and Real Estate with Wolf Richter. Real Inflation, Could Interest Rates Rise Faster Than Expected? Wolf Richter – Dec. 29, 2021