Summary: Is there such a thing as “good” and “bad” money? How can you successfully reach your income goals and feel good about them? Bestselling author Derrick Kinney comes on the show to talk about this, highlighting some tips that he shares in his recent book, Good Money Revolution. Derrick says that if you can connect purpose to profits, then you have a greater cause driving you to get up and run your business, which is ultimately a good thing. Furthermore, if you want 2023 to be a better year financially, it’s important to assess how you can add value to your existing role and prioritize productivity. There’s a great chance that you can find the revenue increase you’re looking for within the career you already have—it just requires some creative thinking. Tune in for more of Derrick’s expertise, and use the link below to access the first five chapters of his book for free. Useful Links: Financial Survival Network) Good Money Revolution Book) Derrick Kinney)