Summary: Ken Van Liew and I sit down to discuss how interest rate increases affect the real estate market amongst other sectors that are greatly influenced by these changes. Even though this occurrence is unideal in many areas of our lives, opportunity for investing at this moment is still very strong and demands to be taken advantage of. Tune in for more insight. Highlights: -How do interest rate increases affect the real estate market? -Real estate will most likely stay consistent and raise in value despite the circumstances -With the change in the commercial work environment, people may be changing their housing strategies -Lots of people are migrating around the United States -Interest rates don’t make as much of an impact on real estate professionals selling in more popular areas -Hotels have not gone up nearly as much as Airbnb prices -Even though rates are going up, opportunities to make money have never been greater; it’s important to maintain a positive mindset Useful Links: Financial Survival Network Ken Van Liew