Summary: With 'The Great Resignation' continuing and labor shortages in many industries this may be the year you ask for a raise. Employers in businesses big and small are desperate to attract, and more importantly, retain employees. Highlights: -“While this is the time to ask for a raise, in many ways the same rules apply with regard to how to go about doing it," says Business Management Expert and owner of Business Management Firm '7 Stage Advisors' in Butler, NJ Carl Gould (see short bio below). -Major chains like Chipotle and McDonald’s have been fast to provide higher pay and better perks while larger companies like Bank of America have raised analyst pay by 10-thousand dollars and the salaries of associates and vice presidents by 20-thousand dollars. -Tips to ask for a raise include eliminating any fear you might have about asking, making a list of your accomplishments on the job, making an appointment with the 'decision maker' and not the person who cannot make it happen, and preparing answers to any objections in advance. Questions addressed: • Why is this the year to ask for a raise? • How can you prepare for the meeting? • Why do you have the upper hand? • What could you ask for in lieu of more money? Useful Links: Financial Survival Network 7 Stage Advisors Start Your Xmas Shopping ASAP with Carl Gould Life in Post-Pandemic America with Carl Gould