Summary: Derek Bullen’s In Defence of Wealth emphasizes the implications of an economy without wealthy individuals. In the absence of kingdoms, becoming rich in America is a more equal opportunity game, yielding a new list of wealthiest people with every generation. Modern wealth extends beyond merely inheriting money, and greatly contributes to the functioning of the economy; truthfully, societies would not be the same without it. Tune in for more insight. Highlights: -‘Rich’ is a fleeting concept; 70% of the billionaires and 80% of the millionaires in America today made their money from scratch, within their own lifetime -Every generation has a new list of wealthy people, or a new set. It is difficult to inherit this wealth -Certain businesses that were promising for a long time still have the potential to fail (i.e. Blockbuster) -In order to generate wealth, you have to create something that has a purpose and will not be easily surpassed/replaced -Many people have left the energy sector -We need to ask why we’re still buying oil products from countries that enact major human rights violations -We’re using resources for fuel rather than food/agriculture -Capitalism helps to bring people out of poverty; free trade allows for money to move more freely Useful Links: Financial Survival Network Derek Bullen In Defence of Wealth