Summary: Consumer credit appears to be crashing, and the rate of increase on credit card debt is slowing down, which means that there has never been a more opportune time to pay off your credit cards than now. Paul Oster, the CEO of Better Qualified, comes on the show to unpack what’s happening with consumer credit, and why it is sinking at this particular time. Paul describes all of the pressures of the economy that are pushing the consumers under water; with providers raising prices left and right, driving costs up, it’s getting difficult to tread water. Ultimately, we must change our behavior if we want a brighter, debt-less future. These changes can start with small savings, such as eliminating various monthly subscriptions. Paul says that consumers are often surprised to find that they have more money than they think, and have merely been spending it in the wrong places. Tune in for more insight. Useful Links: Financial Survival Network) Better Qualified)