cover of episode 第34弹 Life After Berklee as a violinist and mindfulness Music therapist | Timothy Cole & Cherub Xingyu

第34弹 Life After Berklee as a violinist and mindfulness Music therapist | Timothy Cole & Cherub Xingyu

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弹心社 Generous Talk

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Our guest for this episode is my former classmate at Music Therapy department of Berklee College of Music, Timothy Cole.


We talked about我们一起聊了聊以下几个话题:

1. Life after Berklee 从伯克利音乐学院毕业后的生活

2. Innovation in music therapy 音乐治疗领域的创新探索

3. Music Therapy and healing from trauma 音乐治疗,从创伤中疗愈

4. What’s burnout and how to prevent it? 助人工作者的必修课:职业耗竭议题

嘉宾介绍Guest bio

Timothy Cole是一名小提琴手、正念音乐治疗师。他专注于以图像为中心的声音冥想与肯定写作,寻求鼓励客户的正念和同事的创新。目前所在地: 美国🇺🇸德克萨斯州休斯顿

Timothy Cole was my classmate at Berklee College of Music. He is a violinist and mindfulness music therapist based in Houston, Texas. He specializes in imagery-centric sound meditation and affirmation writing and seeks to encourage mindfulness in clients and innovation in colleagues.


07:56 Music or theater improvisation has similar effect as meditation, research shows

11:00 In Chinese tradition, music is not played for showing off nor entertainment, but for spirituality and wellbeing. We are losing in the modern society.  

19:47 Needs change from one minute to another, which requires us to be flexible, both in music therapy sessions and in life

26:58 how we carry unsolved trauma through our voice, how we recognize and transform?

37:14 Xingyu’s first glance into trauma-informed music education, finding the root cause of “ADHD symptoms” and alternative way for change

48:09 help children heal from sexual trauma 

55:55 Morning mediation routine with a musical mantra as self-care—“how brilliant I am!”

1:06:44 The importance of presence: sometimes you don’t need to do anything, just being there is transformational.

1:15:10 What’s the most challenging thing as you work with kids who experienced serve trauma? 

1:23:52 Experience Musical Self-worth Exercise with Tim (put on your headphones )



「弹心社GenerousTalk」是伯克利音乐学院校友、爵士音乐家、美国注册音乐治疗师(MT-BC) Cherub星宇 发起的一档中英双语播客节目,倡导健康、真诚、创造性的生活方式,邀请你一起谈心、弹琴、谈音乐,一起遇见有趣的灵魂、活出真实的自己。音频现已上线喜马拉雅、苹果播客、小宇宙、Spotify、Anchor、Pocket Cast。

「弹心社GenerousTalk」is founded by Berklee Alumna, Jazz Pianist, Board-Certified Music Therapist (MT-BC) Cherub Xingyu. It is a bilingual podcast featuring intercultural conversations on music, health, and lifestyle. We want to lead a healthy, authentic, and creative lifestyle; and create a community of like-minded global citizens! Are you in?  

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