cover of episode 54. Embracing Music as a Path to Personal Growth and Well-being | Karen Wacks

54\. Embracing Music as a Path to Personal Growth and Well-being | Karen Wacks

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[00:04:06] Unleashing potential as an entrepreneur. 释放作为企业家的潜力

[00:06:07] A simple song for grounding. 一首简单的歌曲来让自己安定下来.

[00:14:20] Journey of music therapy evolution. 音乐治疗演变之旅

[00:16:10] Music therapy and healing. 音乐治疗和疗愈

[00:22:33] Community-based music therapy. 社区音乐治疗的发展

[00:28:04] The power of music: healing through cross-cultural experiences. 音乐的力量-通过跨文化体验进行疗愈

[00:34:48] Canned music VS human connection. 罐头音乐VS人与人的连接

[00:36:13] Compassionate music and active listening. 慈悲的音乐与积极倾听。

[00:41:35] Telehealth and its benefits. 线上远程医疗及其好处

[00:44:06] Being prepared to be unprepared. 为毫无准备做好准备

[00:49:13] Letting go of competition. 放下竞争


"Music has a way of tapping into the humanity of each of us." - 音乐有一种方式能触动我们每个人的人性。

"Change comes from within, and music can be part of that difference." - 变革源于内心,音乐可以成为其中的一部分。

"Acceptance is the foundation of being able to accept others and use music to connect." - 接纳是能够接纳他人并利用音乐建立联系的基础。

"Being unprepared is about having the confidence to step into any situation and trust in your abilities." - 毫无准备是指有信心迎接任何情况,并相信自己的能力。

"Music therapy is about working on abilities rather than disabilities, focusing on what people can do." - 音乐疗法是关注能力而非残疾,专注于人们的潜力。

"Developing self-compassion and acceptance is key to being present and connecting with others through music." - 培养自我同情和接纳是保持当下和通过音乐与他人建立联系的关键。

"Music therapy is not just about relaxation, but about empowerment and finding strength within oneself." - 音乐疗法不仅仅是放松,更是赋权和发现内在力量。

"Music has the power to bring people together, bridging differences and fostering connection." - 音乐有着将人们聚集在一起的力量,弥合差异,促进联系。


Karen Wacks 拥有美国东北大学与哈佛大学学位,是伯克利音乐学院音乐治疗系的创始教授团队成员,从90年代起任职于伯克利音乐学院,曾担任新英格兰地区音乐治疗协会主席,并负责开发波士顿地区的几十个音乐治疗项目。



伯克利的任何音乐家——无论你是治疗师、表演者还是教育家——都可以学会用他们的音乐来表达同理心与慈悲心。 可以为医院里的一个孩子定制音乐,也可以在更广泛的领域应用,比如你在音乐会上同时面对数千人。 但你如何才能开始真正跳出你自己的个人需求与议题,通过你的音乐来思考与感受他人、为他们服务呢? 一切从一点觉察开始。 作为音乐治疗师,我们所做的事情的不同之处在于,我们学会如何定制音乐来满足个人或团体的需求,但任何人都可以用这种视角来帮助他人。 这需要有意识地思考他人、考虑你如何能够提供帮助。

我们在伯克利学到的是即兴创作,而我们在音乐治疗中学到的是如何在当下与客户或患者会心。 我们常常说我们已经对‘毫无准备unprepared’做好了准备。 你需要依靠自己,依靠音乐。”

Karen Wacks holds degrees from Northeastern University and Harvard University. She is part of the founding team of the Department of Music Therapy at the Berklee College of Music. She has worked at the Berklee College of Music since the 1990s. She is the former president of the New England Music Therapy Association and has developed dozens of music therapy programs in the Greater Boston Area.

Karen currently teaches four courses at Berklee: Mind-Body Disciplines for Musicians, Music Therapy Internship Preparation, Professional Topics in Music Therapy, Directed Study Music Therapy.

She says:

"A music therapy mindset can bring new insights to students and professionals in music education, performance, music business, and composition. These are my current areas of focus.

Any musician at Berklee—whether you're a therapist, performer, or educator—can learn to use their music for compassion. It can be customized for a child in a hospital, or it can be broader, where you're working with thousands of people at a concert. But how can you begin to really use your music to think of another person, to step outside of your own personal needs and issues, to be there? It just takes a little bit of awareness. What's different about what we do is that we learn to customize our music to meet the needs of an individual or a group, but anybody can get it. It's about consciously thinking about another person and how you can help.

What we learn at Berklee is improvisation, and what we learn in music therapy is how to meet a client or patient in the moment. We say we are prepared to be unprepared. You need to rely on yourself, on the music."

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