cover of episode 51.【Season 3】Finding Balance: Nurturing Human Connection in a Digital World

51.【Season 3】Finding Balance: Nurturing Human Connection in a Digital World

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弹心社 Generous Talk

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Shownotes Transcript

Xingyu provides a quick update on her recent trip to South Africa and the insights she gained about society and its impact on our health. She discuss the perpetuation of trauma in our systems and the need to address it for personal and collective well-being. She acknowledges the challenges of discussing the aftermath of the pandemic and emphasizes the importance of finding stability and safety before engaging in these conversations.

Tune in for a thought-provoking discussion on building a healthier society.



[00:02:40] Trauma and its societal impacts. 创伤和社会影响。

[00:07:16] Food shortage during extreme lockdown. 极端封锁期间的食物短缺。

[00:14:23] COVID as a neural disease. COVID作为一种通过呼吸道传染的神经疾病

[00:22:30] The power of music and the need for human connection. 音乐的力量和人类连接的需求

[00:26:23] Extended lifespan with chronic disease. 伴随着慢性疾病的“长寿”

[00:33:41] Rebuilding microchats in-person for better mental wellbeing. 重建面对面的“微聊”,收获更好的情绪与健康

[00:38:30] Human connection and technology. 人类连接感与科技

[00:43:05] Brain activity of addicts. 成瘾者的脑活动

[00:51:36] Phone addiction and detox. 手机成瘾和戒断

[00:57:23] Poor nutrition leads to mental breakdown. 营养不足导致心理健康问题

[01:01:24] Social media's hidden agenda-the illusion of decentralization. 社交媒体的背后-去中心化的幻觉


00:01:30 - "life transforming trip with a lot of new insights about human society and how we build a society, how we actually build a society that's hurting us."

00:09:30 - "So for me, it was like, you know, that's how transgenerational trauma works in some way."

00:11:21 - "So that's when I got to South Africa and was literally living in the wild with animals and it was just only a couple of us human beings and really feel being a human being and connect to the earth, connect to the soil, connect to the ground."

00:18:01 - "The best recovery is to block out any stimulation to let your brain just fully rest, including any sound, lights, visual, all those stuff, movement, even just as much rest, as little stimuli as possible."

00:21:51 - "Just, you know, through music, and I see the way it is through music, we could connect and bridge these gaps."

00:27:28 - "The connection was face to face."

00:30:38 - "Actually, it boosts human connection and it's reduced the feeling of loneliness."

00:34:23 - "That's what I really like living in Boston."

00:38:25 - "Like, no wonder people feel so lonely."

00:42:58 - "Their brain activity is the same as drug addicts."

00:46:37 - "With one goal, just hook you longer, longer, one second at a time."

00:51:15 - "So don't give your children your phone, like connect with them, play with them."

00:56:41 - "Money cannot buy back a healthy brain."

01:00:14 - "But when those apps on smartphones are all created to exploit human psychological vulnerability and resource for money, that's not a good thing."


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「弹心社GenerousTalk」是伯克利音乐学院校友、爵士音乐家、美国注册音乐治疗师(MT-BC) Cherub星宇 发起的一档中英双语播客节目,倡导健康、真诚、创造性的生活方式,邀请你一起谈心、弹琴、谈音乐,一起遇见有趣的灵魂、活出真实的自己。音频现已上线喜马拉雅、苹果播客、小宇宙、Spotify、Anchor、Pocket Cast。

「弹心社GenerousTalk」is founded by Berklee Alumna, Jazz Pianist, Board-Certified Music Therapist (MT-BC) Cherub Xingyu. It is a bilingual podcast featuring intercultural conversations on music, health, and lifestyle. We want to lead a healthy, authentic, and creative lifestyle; and create a community of like-minded global citizens! Are you in?

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