AI shownotes
00:02:27 大自然中的奇妙旅程——一个自然保护区内的人类与动物的生活
00:09:41 音乐与文化:自然环境如何影响人类的文化表达
00:20:40 与大自然的亲密接触——我们的营地生活
00:25:38 丛林游猎之旅:越野车和足迹追踪
00:38:18 动物界的自我保护与人类社会的STRESS
00:40:52 动物界的自我保护机制:面对压力时的应对策略
00:56:59 在大自然中冥想,与大自然融为一体:一次南非之旅的亲身经历
01:02:23 尊重自然,与动物和谐相处
01:17:10 从网络到现实,改变我们对野生动物的认知
01:22:22 人类社会忽视预防,导致动物死亡并追求安乐死
01:29:36 大自然中的生物节律与空调系统
01:34:05 白蚁对生态系统的贡献:自给自足又带动了整个生态系统
Just got back from South Africa!
I spent two weeks in the bush without internet connection, hanging out with wild animals, meditating on the stone from billions of years ago, and playing music everyday.
I have transformed into this! (Cover Photo)
I feel this experience has fundamentally changed how I perceive human society.
I can deeply empathize why Dr. Jane Goodall chose to spend her entire life studying chimpanzees. It’s remarkable!
I finally figured out the reason why African music is so rhythmic. The answer lies in the animal and nature!
I just got back to Shanghai. Yet I already plan to visit again next March/April.
The modern society we built disconnects us so much from nature and forget what the most important aspects of life are. Many illnesses in modern society come from this disconnect with nature.
Life is easy, abundant, chill, full of awe, with a few fight-flight moments which pass quickly.
What’s stunning for me is that, as human beings, we believe that we are more intelligent than animals, but we can’t even build a sustainable society like the termites have mastered for over 2 millions of years.
There is so much to learn from nature on how we should build our society.
--July 9, 2023
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