Mia initially entered the field of preschool education by chance, but she developed a deep appreciation for the profession through her studies and experiences. She enjoyed the psychological and artistic aspects of the curriculum, which helped her understand her own growth and interests. Additionally, her positive experiences in international kindergartens, where she felt deeply connected to the children, reinforced her passion for working with them. She was also inspired by the dedication and love of other teachers in the field, which motivated her to continue and strive for improvements in the system.
Mia highlighted that teachers in public kindergartens face excessive emotional labor, often feeling like they are not treated as individuals but as service providers. They must cater to multiple stakeholders, including children, parents, and administrators. Teachers are required to maintain constant emotional engagement with children, regardless of their own fatigue or mood. Additionally, they spend significant time on administrative tasks, such as paperwork and preparing for expert visits, which further adds to their emotional burden. The pressure to meet various expectations often leads to stress and burnout among teachers.
In Shanghai's public kindergartens, teacher evaluations and performance are largely tied to seniority and work experience rather than professional skills or innovation. Teachers' salaries and promotions are primarily based on their years of service and accumulated honors. This system creates a 'winner-takes-all' dynamic, where experienced teachers have more opportunities for advancement, while newer teachers struggle to gain recognition or opportunities for professional growth. This structure discourages innovation and can lead to a lack of motivation among younger teachers.
Mia observed a form of 'degree discrimination' in public kindergartens, where higher-educated teachers, such as those with master's degrees, are often met with skepticism and exclusion. Colleagues and administrators question why someone with advanced education would work in a kindergarten, assuming they must have other shortcomings. This attitude stems from a misunderstanding of the value of higher education in early childhood education and a fear that these teachers might challenge traditional practices. Additionally, the system does not provide significant advantages for higher-educated teachers in terms of career progression, further marginalizing them.
The high emotional labor demands on preschool teachers have significant implications for their mental health. Studies show that a large percentage of preschool teachers experience depressive symptoms, with 86% of U.S. teachers and over 25% of Chinese teachers reporting mild to severe depression. The constant need to manage emotions, meet high expectations, and handle administrative tasks leads to stress, anxiety, and burnout. Teachers often feel unsupported, and their emotional well-being is rarely prioritized, which can result in long-term mental health issues and a decline in job satisfaction.
欢迎来到新一期的CoChildren FM,我是Fiona。这期节目我邀请了我的研究生同学Mia来聊聊天。她本科就开始读学前教育专业,一直base在上海,至今在这个领域已经有将近10年的学习、教学、管理和学术的经验,从民办园到国际园到公办园都有涉猎。
如果你有任何相似或是完全截然相反的经历,欢迎你和我们一起聊聊!也可以匿名投递你的故事至我们的邮箱:[email protected]
🧩 本期Guest Speaker:Mia
即将就读University of Auckland PhD in Education(研究领域:儿童发展、家庭研究)
🧩 收听导引
01:00** **Intro:N年前本科阶段在公办园的实习经历如何影响了毕业后的职业规划?
04:33 必答题:为什么选择和儿童一起工作?
08:57 【困境1】幼师过度的情绪劳动:服务的对象太多了,总觉得“老师不是人”
01:13:45 【困境3】文凭社会下在幼儿园内经历了对“高等学历”的排斥+对”低学历“的剥削
**01:31:54 **Final Words:置身公办园之中的一整年让我体会到了绝大多数学前人的一种”普遍处境”
🧩 节目中提到的内容
56:23 Little soldiers: An American boy, a Chinese school and the global race to achieve)
1:11:20 Preschool in three cultures revisited: China, Japan, and the United States)
36:09 Risk Factors for Depression Among Early Childhood Teachers(2019)) —— 这份美国的报告中提到86%的幼师都有经历一些抑郁情绪
36:50 幼儿教师生活质量与抑郁关系的潜在剖面分析(2022))—— 这份研究针对4519名中国的在职幼儿教师进行调查,发现1/4以上都有过轻度及以上的抑郁症状
44:42 Zinsser, K. M., Christensen, C. G., & Torres, L. (2016). She's supporting them; who's supporting her? Preschool center-level social-emotional supports and teacher well-being. Journal of school psychology, 59, 55-66.
46:08 Jeon, L., Buettner, C. K., & Grant, A. A. (2018). Early childhood teachers’ psychological well-being: Exploring potential predictors of depression, stress, and emotional exhaustion. Early education and development, 29(1), 53-69
46:08 Li, S., Li, Y., Lv, H., Jiang, R., Zhao, P., Zheng, X., ... & Mao, F. (2020). The prevalence and correlates of burnout among Chinese preschool teachers. BMC public health, 20(1), 1-10.
46:33 Huang, H., Liu, Y., & Su, Y. (2020). What is the relationship between empathy and mental health in preschool teachers: The role of teaching experience. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1366.
🧩 节目制作
全流程制作 / Fiona
视觉设计 / Malcolm
剪辑 / Kari
主题曲《和你在一起》/ Monkey
音效 / Free Music @Apple Garage Band